Home politics Egyptian days celebrate the kitchens of time and eat the Egyptians

Egyptian days celebrate the kitchens of time and eat the Egyptians


Thursday 06/Mar/2025 – 07:44 AM

Issue No. 64 of the Egyptian Days Magazine, the number that was allocated to shed light on the kitchens of Zaman and the eating of the Egyptians, was issued from several articles that historically highlights this matter.

The magazine participated in the preparation of an Egyptian days team, headed by Ahmed Kamali, the editor -in -chief, Nour Al -Tamimi and Omar Al -Saifi, the editor -in -chief, and directed by Mohamed Attia.

Egyptian days celebrate the kitchens of time and eat the Egyptians

This issue includes a set of articles on food, which was participated in a group of researchers, so we read to Prince Abbas Helmy an article on the table of Prince Muhammad Abdel Moneim, and Nour Al -Tamimi writes about the food for the Egyptians, love and art, while Sharbaf Saeed writes about the secrets of the royal palaces kitchens, and the counselor Adel Abdel Baqi writes about the kitchen of the cars club and Al -Jazeera club, while Mr. Al -Demerdash writes an article entitled when it lost its place.

Another topics in this number of Egyptian days magazine:

– Cemetery kitchens for Ibrahim Taya

Where did the royal Molokhia go to Tariq Kamel?

Food in ancient Egypt by Khaled Azab

– The Egyptian family house in Germany to Alaa Thabet

Eating in Mawlid Ahmed Sayed Hassan

Egyptian cooking heritage for Kamel Al -Masry

The story of the transmission of the Arabic office to the United States of America to Dina Abu Zaid

– The database of generosity for Mohamed Refaat




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