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Does cigarette smoke do not break the fast during the day in Ramadan?


Monday 03/Mar/2025 – 01:12 PM

The Egyptian Dar Al -Iftaa answered, a question that was mentioned to the text: Is smoking during the day in Ramadan? As one of my friends has been afflicted with smoking, and he was close to entering the holy month of Ramadan, and he is difficult to fast because of his failure to smoke throughout the day, but he fasts and refrains from smoking, and one of the people has heard saying: The smoke of cigarettes does not break the fast, unlike the smoke of the hookah, it breaks the fast, and he asked me about the validity of these words, so we hope that your virtue is honored by informing us of the legal ruling on that issue.

Does cigarette smoke do not break the fast during the day in Ramadan?

The house said on its official website: Smoking during the day in Ramadan is one of the things that break the fast, so it is forbidden for the fasting person to spoil his fast by smoking, whether it is in the form of cigarettes, hookah, or otherwise, and there is no lesson in the sayings of those who say: Smoking cigarettes is not broken, this is a claim without evidence and contrary to what the doctors and specialists decided that the smoking of the cigarette and the like contains materials that have a crime that enters into the smoker’s shave So his fast was spoiled.

Responding to those who deny that smoking does not invalidate fasting

The Egyptian Ifta was responded to, according to what some people claim that smoking cigarettes does not break the fast, as this is not true, and contrary to what the doctors stipulated that all kinds of smoking, such as cigarettes and hookah, through which materials reach the throat and the human cavity, and his fast spoils, all that is that smoking the cigarette is the most common way and familiarity between people and the cheapest. It is seen: “Smoking is the scourge of the age from A to Z” (p. 10).

And she continued: It is the concept of what was decided by the scholar Al -Dardir al -Maliki in “Al -Sharh al -Kabeer” (1/525, i. Dar Al -Fikr) by saying: [(و) بترك إيصال (بخور) -بفتح الباء- أي: الدخان المتصاعد من حرق نحو العود، ومثله: بخار القدر فمتى وصل للحلق أوجب القضاء، ومنه: الدخان الذي يُشْرَب أي يمص بالقصب ونحوه، فإنه يصل للحلق بل للجوف بخلاف شم رائحة البخور ونحوه من غير أن يدخل الدخان للحلق فلا يفطر] Ah.



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