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Distribution of total secondary school grades – Scientific Division – Scientific Science 2024-2025 Secondary Examinations Details


The passion for high school students and parents is increasingly the direction of identifying the distribution of the total grades of high school, the scientific division, science sciences, through these grades, the student gets acquainted with the grades that must be obtained in each subject to obtain the final result, and through our site we will explain this distribution to be available to everyone.

Distribution of the total grades of high school, the scientific division

Through the next paragraph, we will explain to you Academic materials Which the student studies throughout the year and the grades of each subject::

  • Arabic: The final grade is 80 degrees and the degree of success of 40 degrees.
  • The first foreign language: The final grade of 60 degrees and the degree of success of 30 degrees.
  • Cheerful: The final grade of 60 degrees and the degree of success of 30 degrees.
  • Physics: The final grade of 60 degrees and the degree of success of 30 degrees.
  • Biology: The final degree of 60 and the degree of success is of 30 degrees.

The materials are not added to the total in high school

There is a group of materials that are scheduled for all people inside High school These subjects do not enter into the group. The student must pass the degree of success, which is (religious soil -the second foreign language -national education). The Ministry of Education has confirmed that these subjects must all students attend their exam on the specified date so that they are not attached to it.

Specifications for the high school physics exam

It has been announced that this exam includes 46 questions, including 2 articles and 44 multiple questions, and its distribution of grades includes 12 questions for each question 2 degrees and the phenomenal question each of them is 2 degrees and 32 questions the choice from the multiple question for each degree question.


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