Home politics Discovered a year ago .. Researchers have found oxygen in the farthest...

Discovered a year ago .. Researchers have found oxygen in the farthest galaxy from the planet


Sunday 23/March/2025 – 04:30 PM

Scientists have announced an amazing discovery of oxygen Heavy minerals Another in the farthest well-known galaxy, the galaxy known as Jades-GS-Z14-0, 13.4 billion light years away from Earth, was discovered last year using NASA’s James Web Telescope.

The researchers found oxygen in the farthest galaxy from the planet

According to CNN, Gergo Bubing, astronomer at the European Regional Center of the European Southern Observatory, who did not participate in the research, said in a statement: I was really surprised by this clear discovery of the oxygen in the Jades-GS-Z14-0, this indicates that galaxies can be formed after the Big Bang more quickly than what was previously believed.

This discovery was reached in two separate studies conducted by two different astronomical teams, and this discovery enabled scientists to improve the distance measurements to the galaxy, and the images appear as they were when the universe was less than 300 million years old, or approximately 2% of its current age, as the researchers noted.

The finding of the oxygen there indicates that the galaxy is more chemical mature than expected, the researchers believed that it was still very small to contain galaxies rich in heavy elements, but it contains heavy elements that exceeded their estimates about ten times.

The galaxies usually begin their life full of young stars, which mostly consist of lighter elements, including hydrogen and helium, and with their development, stars are heavier elements sent through their host galaxy after their death.

Sander Shos, the main author of the study that was accepted to publish in the Journal of Astronomical Physics, said: It is similar to finding a teenager in a place where you only expect children’s birth, adding: The results show that the galaxy has been formed very quickly, and ripens quickly, which is added to an increasing group of evidence that galaxies form much faster than expected.

“I am stunned by unexpected results, because it opened new horizons about the early stages of the development of galaxies, and added: the evidence for the maturity of the galaxy in the nascent universe raises questions about when and how galaxies were formed.



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