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Customs holds two auctions to sell cars stored in Alexandria and Port Said customs at the end of March


The Customs Authority announced the contract of two auction sessions on March 25, 2025 for cars stored in the customs of Port Said and Alexandria, and held at eleven noon Thursday 25 March 2025 in the Giza Sports Club hall, the Great Sea Street, at the bottom of the Abbas Bridge in Giza, to sell a number of cars from the outside and stored in the squares and customs of Port Said and Alexandria customs.

Customs cars

The auction includes 19 Lot cars in Port Said customs, including brands, models, models, and various and different types that include (Volkswagen, Hyundai Matrix, Mercedes, Mitsubishi, Banda MCAR and BMW).

The auction also includes 24 Lot cars in Alexandria Customs, including brands, models, models, and various and different types, including (Mercedes, Grand Sheroki, BMW, Audi, Lexus, Ford, Dyo Nubira, Taj Master, Dodge and Porsche).

The auction brochure is sold at 400 pounds at the headquarters of the General Authority for Governmental Services in the towns of the Ministry of Finance, extending the Ramses Street Tower 2 and according to the conditions codified in the brochure of conditions.

The cars and goods that will be held auction session to be sold from the concessions and exports of the Customs Authority received from abroad, and the cars can be examined in Port Said and Alexandria customs during the working days on official dates until the day of the auction.

Details of the customs auction for the sale of Lot cars

The national ID card is provided to ordinary individuals, provided that it is valid and the tax card is provided, provided that the auction is entered for those subject to it (merchants), and the participant is entitled to the auction during the inspection process to accompany other people who have experience in examining cars.

The sale takes place in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 182 of 2018 regarding the regulation of contracts concluded by the public authorities and its executive regulations issued by Resolution 692 of 2019, and according to the order contained in the brochure of conditions and the purchase of auction brochure, a condition for entering the auction and each of the Lot is sold separately and without a commission.

Those who wish to subscribe to the auction must buy the conditions brochure and pay the amount of the auction insurance of 10,000 pounds in a car Customs treasury at Cairo Airport, such as temporary insurance in the customs treasury or during the auction, and temporary insurance is not received until after the end of the session.

In the event that any of the car is not anchored on the subscriber at the auction, the insurance is recovered, and the insurance is also deducted from the price of the car in the event of an anchorage on the subscriber.

Every buyer wants to buy more than Lot pay insurance link before starting to increase in the second Lot, and an insurance link is placed for each of the lines separately.

And everyone who is doing the auction must pay the amount of 30 % of the price of the deal once the auction is required, and in the event of not paying on the same day, the temporary insurance is from the right of the administrative authority, and the provider of the price is paid in cash in cash or one of the electronic means in accordance with Article 21 of Law 182 of 2018 and its inclusive regulations.

Details of the customs auction for the sale of Lot cars
Details of the customs auction for the sale of Lot cars
Details of the customs auction for the sale of Lot cars
Details of the customs auction for the sale of Lot cars
Details of the customs auction for the sale of Lot cars
Details of the customs auction for the sale of Lot cars
Details of the customs auction for the sale of Lot cars
Details of the customs auction for the sale of Lot cars
Details of the customs auction for the sale of Lot cars
Details of the customs auction for the sale of Lot cars
Details of the customs auction for the sale of Lot cars
Details of the customs auction for the sale of Lot cars
Details of the customs auction for the sale of Lot cars
Details of the customs auction for the sale of Lot cars
Details of the customs auction for the sale of Lot cars
Details of the customs auction for the sale of Lot cars
Details of the customs auction for the sale of Lot cars
Details of the customs auction for the sale of Lot cars
Details of the customs auction for the sale of Lot cars
Details of the customs auction for the sale of Lot cars
Details of the customs auction for the sale of Lot cars
Details of the customs auction for the sale of Lot cars



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