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Cloves for hair .. amazing benefits and natural recipes to lengthen and strengthen it


Clove is not just a strong smell spice, but rather a natural component that has many benefits of hair, including stimulating its growth and strengthening.

Natural recipes have recently spread to boiled cloves to lengthen hair, so how true these recipes are? How can it be used correctly?

The benefits of cloves for hair

Stimulating hair growth

Clove contains an ougenol that stimulates blood circulation in the scalp, which helps to nourish hair follicles and enhance their growth.

Strengthening hair follicles

Clove contains antioxidants that protect hair follicles from damage, making hair stronger and less vulnerable to hair loss.

Dandruff treatment

The cloves have antifungal and bacterial properties, making it effective in treating dandruff and soothing the irritated scalp.

Perform the hair to the hair

Cloves help improve the appearance of hair and add natural shine to it.

How to use cloves to lengthen hair

Boil a cup of water, then add a tablespoon of cloves. Leave it boil for 10 minutes, then describe it.

After washing the hair with shampoo, used boiled cloves as a final wash. Gently rub the scalp for 5 minutes, then rinse the hair with lukewarm water.

Boiled cloves can also be used as a hair spray. Place the boiled in a spray bottle, and sprinkle it on the scalp and hair once or twice a day.

Reserves to use cloves on hair

Cloves may cause irritation to the sensitive scalp, so it is advised to take an allergy test on a small area of ​​the skin before using it on the entire scalp.

Avoid using the concentrated clove oil directly on the scalp, as it may be very strong.

Consult a specialist before using a boiled clove if you have any scalp or hair problems.



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