In light of the Royal Royal Welfare from His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, the king of the country, may God protect and preserve him, and in the context of the continuous follow -up and directives of His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Crown Prince and Prime Minister, may God protect him, with the opening and rehabilitation of mosques and mosques in all governorates, His Excellency Sheikh Abdul Rahman bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Khalifa, President of the Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs, opened today. And what was built at the expense of the Bogiri family.
His Excellency affirmed the pride of the Kingdom of Bahrain, led by His Majesty the Most High, may God bless him, and the follow -up of His Royal Highness the Prime Minister, may God protect him, to serve the places of worship and its care, and invest its vital role to spread virtue, science, goodness, brotherhood and construction.
In this regard, appreciation of the concerted official and civil efforts to serve the endowment projects, develop and invest in them, in order to achieve sustainability and growth for the places of worship, goodness, righteousness and charity projects, and in a way that gives the standing the great reward and the great reward.
He expressed his happiness at the opening of the Boghiriya Mosque in the holy month of Ramadan, the month of mentioning, worship and supplication, congratulating the honorable Bogiri family and all the people on this good occasion, adding to God Almighty to live this mosque by mentioning and worshiping it and calling Him, glory be to Him with wisdom and good advice, and that those in charge of it to serve religion, the homeland and society will be successful in the mosque.
His Excellency praised the role of philanthropists in the reconstruction and care of God’s homes, based on the good and giving spirit that the people of Bahrain were known, confirming the Kingdom of Bahrain’s pride in these generous contributions made by the benefactors, appreciating the good initiatives of the Bogiri family in this field.
The ceremony started with verses from the Holy Qur’an followed by the Honorable Sheikh Abdullah Al -Hammadi, then Sheikh Dr. Abdul Latif Mahmoud Al Mahmoud, member of the Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs, delivered a speech on this occasion in which he affirmed that the mosques that the Muslims are built or built from their endowments a continuous door of the gates of the ongoing charity for them, indicating that the mosques have made God to raise the soul To bring them closer to the Almighty, and it is the role of the angels that the angels are deceived.
He added: “The mosques are with their honor and their place with God, places to achieve acquaintance between the people of one neighborhood, one city, the one state, and the entire humanity,” stressing that mosques are factories for human beings to achieve social living between them, and to spread security and safety, and to direct the human energies of renaissance and urbanism, so the civilization of the world did not know It is the largest global movement to achieve civilized growth in religious, mental and human sciences, as Islamic civilization witnessed it.
He pointed out that “from the grace of God Almighty to see the death of God Almighty centers to teach the Book of God Almighty and protect and teach it, so I was built with adults and children, and became the whims of the hearts of Muslims.”
His virtue appreciated the generous initiative from the Boujari family by adopting the construction of the Boujeri Mosque, asking God Almighty to make this work a running charity for everyone who contributed to its establishment.
After that, Mr. Abdul Karim Ahmed Bojiri gave a speech in which he expressed sincere thanks and appreciation to His Majesty the Great King, and to His Highness the Prime Minister, for the continuous support of religious and social projects that serve citizens, and enhance the role of mosques as religious, educational and scientific radiation centers. Cheer the efforts of His Excellency Sheikh Abdul Rahman bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Khalifa, Chairman of the Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs in the completion of this blessed project, expressing his thanks to all workers and shareholders in working on the project, asking God to make him in the balance of everyone’s good deeds.
He pointed out that the Boghiri Mosque reached the cost of its establishment of two and a half million dinars, and it is characterized by its adoption of a very accurate electronic and technical system. Where all vocal and visible systems are managed by touch and remote control, expressing the aspiration of the mosque to be a beacon of good and light, he is shouting with the call to prayer, and abounds in the episodes of science, and is a haven for worshipers and students of science.
The opening was attended by Sheikh Dr. Rashid bin Muhammad Al -Hajri, Chairman of the Sunni Endowments Council, Mr. Abdul Karim Ahmed Boujeri, Chairman of the Bahrain Stock Exchange, Sheikh Dr. Abdulaziz bin Ibrahim Al Khalifa, Vice -Chairman of the Sunni Endowments Council, Mr. Khalid bin Abdullah Al -Shomali, Secretary -General of the Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs, Judge Issa bin Sami Al -Mannai, Undersecretary of the Ministry for Justice and Islamic Affairs, and Mr. Abdulaziz Ahmed Al -Nawar, Chairman of the Muharraq Council Muharraq Municipal Council, a number of members of the honorable Bojiri family, and a number of officials, dignitaries, sheikhs, businessmen and families.
It is worth noting that the Bougheriya Mosque in the city of East Al -Hadd was set up on a land area of 6735 square meters, while the building area is 2300 square meters, and it can accommodate two thousand serum and serous, and contains two halls for social events that can accommodate more than 320 individuals, along with five commercial shops on the mosque, and includes a special housing for the imam and the muezzin.