Media reports showed that what was spent by military supporting countries for Ukraine only amounted to approximately 280 billion dollars until the end of 2024, not to mention the amounts that the other party paid to remain in this war that erupted since February 2022. These numbers reveal how global policy is managed, where hundreds of billions are spent to prolong the struggle, while these funds can end the crises of poverty and hunger and achieve human development.
The impact of the war was not limited to military spending, but rather extended to the developing countries that suffer from high food and energy prices, which exacerbated economic crises and increased rates of poverty and hunger, especially in Africa, Asia and Latin America.
The same amount was enough to make major transformations globally. According to the World Bank, extreme poverty can end for 700 million people for three years. The United Nations also indicates that eliminating hunger globally requires $ 40 billion annually, meaning that these funds were sufficient to end hunger for seven years and save millions of lives.
As for UNESCO, it is estimated that $ 39 billion annually is sufficient to provide basic education globally, meaning that 280 billion dollars would have guaranteed education for millions of children for seven years, which limits illiteracy and enhances development. Likewise, these funds can provide clean water and sanitation for the world’s population who suffer from its deficiency for two and a half years, and improve health care systems in poor countries for a period of five years, which reduces deaths and diseases.
The irony is that the countries that claim to spread democracy and human rights are the same that invest in fueling wars. As if there is a planning to keep a group of people between death and suffering, while another group controls their fate, drawing the borders with fire and gunpowder, and decides who lives and who dies.
On the other hand, when the poor countries require aid or loans to confront their crises, they face complicated conditions and bureaucratic complications that amount to interference in their internal policies and economies, in exchange for money that will be recovered later with double twice.
These conditions are imposed in the name of “economic reforms” or “good governance”, while billions that are spent on wars do not pass by any requirements or restrictions, but rather they are monitored immediately without hesitation, as if the continued conflicts were provided to save the poor peoples.
Added to that is the role played by the media and social media in misleading public opinion, as most of them adopt a narration of a party at the expense of the other without neutrality.
Only rare voices say that the war was destroyed by everyone, and that there is no winner in it except for a few politicians who will take off the platforms to list the championships, while the reality changes only with the prosperity of the arms trade and the increase in the numbers of victims.
All the conflicts and disasters that happen suggests that the global system is designed to keep chaos, as there is no real will to spread peace, and there is no intention to consolidate justice and equality.
Rather, there is a race to dominate, and a death -based trade, as human life becomes numbers in military aid reports, while human rights slogans are only raised when needed to justify a new war.
Here an old question revolves around times! How long will humanity be hostage to the interests of the ruling elite?! The answer lies in the awareness of peoples that their real battle is not against each other, but against those who ignite wars and control their destinies.