Home politics Beni Suef Governor discusses citizens ’requests .. He is directed to pay...

Beni Suef Governor discusses citizens ’requests .. He is directed to pay aid to the most needy cases


Wed 12/March/2025 – 03:56 PM

Dr. Mohamed Hani Ghoneim, the governor of Beni Suef, held an open weekly meeting with citizens, in the presence of the concerned executive leaders, to discuss their complaints and requests, and work to find quick solutions to them.

The meeting witnessed a review of problems related to vital service sectors, as well as some humanitarian cases that need special support.

Medical support for a citizen who is not beneficial from health insurance

The governor listened to a citizen’s request from Beni Suef, seeking his help in conducting the process of fixing the ryusal joint, after he performed previous surgery in the basin, especially that he was not covered by health insurance services.

Immediately, the governor assigned health officials to take the necessary measures to present it to the tripartite committee, and to complete its treatment procedures at the expense of the state.

Refer to a complaint to investigate a violation building permit

The governor also directed the referral of a complaint of a citizen from the Ihnasia Center to the financial and administrative inspection, as it was affected by the issuance of the Nuwaira Village Council, a violation building permit, which led to the issuance of a decision to remove due to the infringement of the organization line in the village of Kassab.

The governor ordered the preparation of a detailed report on the incident to determine the responsibilities and take the necessary legal measures.

Social aid for humanitarian cases

In the context of supporting the first families with care, the governor assigned social solidarity officials to quickly end the procedures for extracting a “Takaful and Dignity Visa” for a widow from the Beni Suef Center counting three children in different educational stages, with an urgent aid to be disbursed from the provincial fund, in addition to financial assistance for a period of six months from the Ministry of Solidarity.

He also directed an urgent aid to a woman who suffers from a chronic disease, and her husband has kidney failure and is unable to work, as it was assigned social solidarity to disburse monthly assistance, coordinate with private societies to provide in -kind assistance and food materials, and to include the family among the beneficiaries of seasonal aid.

This meeting comes within the framework of the keenness of preserving direct communication with citizens, and responding to their problems according to the available capabilities, in coordination with the relevant authorities.



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