Home entertainment Believers of the gift !! | Al Watan newspaper

Believers of the gift !! | Al Watan newspaper


Have you heard about “the believer of the gift”? Frankly, I have not heard of it before, but I heard about “Kofi Al -Huba”, “Eat Al -Huba”, “Al -Huba Restaurant”, “Al -Huba clothes”, and even the projects of Heba, and all these things have become part of the modern Ramadan culture. Despite my ignorance of the concept, I decided to search for the intended.

“The Believers of the Heba” are the people who are trying to show the religious aspect in the month of Ramadan, but in a way that may seem superficial or traditional.

You find them in modest clothes, a balanced walk, their behavior is quiet and their words are warm. Rosary in their hand, and they are in mosques. As if they are seeking to stay away from the pleasures of the world.

But does this mean that they are not honest in their faith?

We have to be more tolerant in this holy month, and not to misunderstand others, whether now or any time, we live in it and not be cruel in our rule, as the feelings of goodness are not careful as if we were on the head of a feather and we are about the rest of the people high, and who are we to be the behavior of people from residents? !!

Even if some of them seem to believe in the apparent only, they are in fact seeking as much as they can get closer to God. They may start with appearances, but internal change does not happen overnight.

So, let’s be supportive of them instead of criticizing them. Everyone of us is on a different journey in this worldly life, and the intentions are hidden and actions are almost unread.

What may start with simple manifestations can turn with time into a deeper and more honest thing, let us improve the suspicion .. With the entry of the holy month, we bless you for its days and nights.



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