One of the greatest things that God has bestowed upon us; The blessing of security and stability for a society that is proud of its distinguished accomplishments, honorable stances, and tolerant creation, it is a society that does not overlook its unity, and it is not satisfied except that Bahrain be a beacon of prosperity and peace, and as a country of tolerance and cultural coexistence for all its people and everyone who intends it », with these wise words, the presence of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, the king of the country, may God protect him Security, hope and stability for everyone who lives on this blessed land, during the reception of His Majesty, may God protect and preserve him, in the presence of His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Crown Prince, Prime Minister, may God protect him, at the Sakhir Palace last Wednesday, well -wishers from the people of the Kingdom, within the framework of His Majesty’s keenness to communicate and meet with the honorable people of Bahrain on the occasion of the blessed month of Ramadan.
His Majesty has been keen to emphasize that “we thank God for his grace on us in our country, and it is neither countless. Praise be to God alone, the Most High, “congratulated” by the last ten days, calling on the Almighty to return it to us and the Arab and Islamic nations of the abundance of Yemen and blessings. “
It was remarkable that His Majesty, may God protect him, was “proud and proud of what the Bahraini youth achieved in the middle of the holy month of a leading scientific achievement represented in the launch of the Bahraini satellite” Al -Mundhir “, stressing His Majesty on” continuous support in investing in Bahraini youth “, especially with His Majesty’s call to” continue to seek more achievements in the areas of innovation and technological progress. “
His Majesty’s great strictness to enhance the Kingdom’s position in the field of advanced space and technology, to hold the youth of Bahrain and national cadres a great responsibility in order to seek more development and innovation in this vital field that raises the name of Bahrain in regional and international forums, especially with the need to motivate national institutions to provide all support to Bahrain’s distinguished cadres.
His Majesty the King’s keenness to guide to redouble efforts to meet national aspirations in the vital sectors, with a focus on developing the education and health sectors as they are the cornerstone of the human renaissance and its role in building the country, in addition to directing His Majesty, may God protect him, to accelerate the pace of housing projects to provide 50,000 new housing units, and the development of public services, confirms the extent of the rational leadership’s interest in the citizens and the Bahraini family, to achieve prosperity for them, which is what is It is reflected positively in order to strive to work in a positive spirit and sincere determination to ensure the sustainability of the comprehensive development process for the Kingdom’s elevation.
In addition to caring for society and its components, His Majesty is always keen to emphasize the sincere efforts of the Kingdom to address any threats to regional and global stability, and this is what establishes the principles of Bahraini diplomacy that seeks to spread the ways of comprehensive and permanent peace in order to end the disputes by dialogue, and at the same time adhere to the unity of the Arab class, especially since the Palestinian issue is always present in the conscience of Bahrain and its people through Stressing the need to adhere to the legitimate return of the brotherly Palestinian people.
It is worth attention to referring to what was addressed by His Excellency the Minister of Interior, Lieutenant General His Excellency Sheikh Rashid bin Abdullah Al Khalifa, and to confirm that “this country lies its strength and its prevention of its national unity and the cohesion of its internal forehead and the national circumvention towards your triumphant leadership, and the authentic characteristics that the people of Bahrain were characterized by the advocates of love, harmony, coexistence and peace”, noting that “national unity is not a slogan It is repeated, but it is a human emotional spirit indicating the depth of patriotism and cohesion between the wise leadership and the sincere faithful and faithful people.
Those abundant feelings that are emphasized during the blessed month of Ramadan, through which the extent of adhering to the values of communication, love, national unity, loyalty and belonging to that blessed land, which preaches the bright, good and blessing of Bahrain and its people, especially since the Bahraini society is known for its cohesion, solidarity and unity by spreading the meanings of friendliness, harmony, brotherhood, and tolerance, so we always pray to God. Bahrain and its people.