Monday 10/Mar/2025 – 08:16 PM
Counselor Mahmoud Fawzi, Minister of Parliamentary and Legal Affairs and Political Communication, attended the session of the House of Representatives, which was held on Monday morning, March 10, 2025, headed by Counselor Dr. Hanafi Jabali, Speaker of the House of Representatives, and Mohamed Gibran, Minister of Labor, in the presence of Eng. Hassan Al -Khatib, Minister of Investment and Foreign Trade.
The Council resumed in its session today to discuss the articles of the new labor bill, starting with Article 36 to Article 154.
During the discussion of Article 54 of the draft law, the council rejected the proposal to reduce periods of vacations of the situation, to be only two times for working women, instead of three times according to what was stated in the draft labor law submitted by the government, where Counselor Mahmoud Fawzi stressed that it is necessary to pay attention to the health of women and the health of the child, noting that the leave contained in the labor law is consistent with the legislative structure, whether in the child law or the civil service law.
Determine the percentage of foreign workers within institutions:
During the discussion of Article 70 of the new labor bill, which grants establishments the right to employ foreigners and that the minister specify the special percentage of the entities and facilities, Counselor Mahmoud Fawzi, Minister of Parliamentary Affairs, stipulated that the article stipulates that the competent minister determines the percentage of foreign workers within the facilities, indicating that imposing additional restrictions on this article may be useless, as it may send a negative message, and explained that the Egyptian state welcomes In everyone, it has previously issued a law to regulate the asylum of foreigners, which reflects its ability to manage and organize foreign workers efficiently.
Children’s operation prohibitions and the advantages of law granted:
In discussions of the child’s work, Counselor Mahmoud Fawzi explained that Article 66 of the Child Law states that it is not permissible to employ more than 6 hours a day, and the working hours must be permeated for a period or more to eat food and rest at least one hour, and this period or periods are determined so that the child does not work for more than 4 continuous hours, and this is consistent with the child law, concerned with protecting the rights of children.
The Associations Law, Al -Ahli Action, the nature of activities and licenses:
In a separate context, the minister, “Fawzi”, said that the law of associations and civil action did not prohibit the associations any activity related to the development of society, and the article states that it is permissible with a license from the minister that the associations work in this field, and the truth is that the work is at the request of the associations, meaning that he who does not want to work is his right, and as soon as he is not submitted to the activity, he will not work with it.
He stated that the Supreme Constitutional Court had previously ruled regarding the principle of the legitimacy of crimes and penalties, that the penal texts must be formulated in a specific way that is not invisible or ambiguous, so these texts are not a window or a traps that the legislator casts in connection with their breadth or their hidden ones who fall under it or make their position Submitted by the government is very clear in cases with which the decision to cancel the license can be issued, because it will result in the violation of criminal crimes, and a commitment to constitutional principles in formulating penal texts, the term fundamental judgments becomes not correct to use in this regard.
He said that the business owners are directly addressing the decision of the National Council for wages, and this is an administrative decision that it challenges before the State Council, but any facility operates under the management of organizations occurs in a dispute over the implementation of the minimum wage, which is specialized in the labor court, according to special work relationships.
The minimum wage in the public and private sectors and unemployment subsidy:
Counselor Mahmoud Fawzi explained that the minimum wage for workers in the public sector is determined by a decision of the Prime Minister, and the practical reality and wisdom requires synchronization in specification, and with regard to the rules of unemployment aid exchange, the multiplicity of unemployment subsidies in Egypt can be mentioned, including solidarity and dignity, social security, and what was approved by the husband in the irregular labor fund.
The term “variables” rewards inflation … and the law within that:
The Minister of Parliamentary Affairs stressed that the phrases used in the minimum covers all economic phenomena, because they say “setting a minimum wage in all sectors at the national level by taking into account the needs of workers and their families and the costs of living and their variables”, explaining that the word variables are equivalent to the term inflation, but it is an Arabic word that is consistent with the legislative formulation, but the guarantees increased to the degree The relationship of work while ensuring increased production rates.
Narcotics analysis for workers in the administrative apparatus:
Regarding the drug analyzes of workers in the administrative apparatus of the state, and the possibility of separating a person who takes drugs with a drug, the advisor Mahmoud Fawzi assured everyone, saying that science is progressing, and it can distinguish the person who uses a medicinal substance to treat a disease, from the one who uses a narcotic substance of addiction or the like, and the subject as the joint committee ended in many guarantees, including non -discrimination between workers in the public and private sectors Which was mentioned in the Labor Law carries with it the original analysis, affirmation, grievance, stabbing and the dismissal guarantee through the labor court, and all of this contributes to providing a clean and drug -free work environment in order to preserve public health, and the general rules of proof guarantees the person who takes narcotic substances for satisfactory reasons that must be proven, and no one will oppress in this regard.
The council approves the articles after an extensive discussion:
With regard to the confiscation of the right to trade union organization, Minister Mahmoud Fawzi stressed that he does not imagine this, because the text included the prohibition of confiscation without the approval of the employer, taking into account the requirements of the provisions of the Law of the Trade Union Organizations and the protection of the right to union organization, and therefore the signatures can be collected in implementation of the provisions of this law and the law guarantees the right to establish the union formation
In conclusion, the House of Representatives agreed to the subjects referred to after extensive discussions of the amendment proposals that were presented in the matter of a large part of the representatives and the government, where the Council approved these articles as approved by the Joint Committee except for Articles 82, 92, and 101, which were approved by amended.
The Council also approved in the presence of the Minister of Investment and Foreign Trade on the report of the Joint Committee from the Economic Affairs Committee and the offices of the Arab Affairs Committees, the plan and the budget, the constitutional and legislative affairs, and the defense and national security on the decision of the President of the Arab Republic of Egypt No. 607 of 2024 regarding the approval of the agreement to encourage and protect mutual investments between the government of the Arab Republic of Egypt and the government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.