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“Alternative Penalties” Evaluation of Ramadan Ghabga for beneficiaries of the open prison program


The General Administration for the implementation of alternative judgments and penalties held the annual Ramadan Ghobaqa for the beneficiaries of the open prisons program, in the presence of a number of the families of the beneficiaries and members of the National Human Rights Committee. On this occasion, His Excellency Sheikh Khalid bin Rashid Al Khalifa, Director General of the General Administration for the implementation of alternative judgments and penalties indicated that this event is keen to enhance family ties and support efforts to rehabilitate beneficiaries in a social atmosphere aimed at what benefits them to be active individuals in society, through awareness activities that contribute to building their personality and enhancing their sense of responsibility. The event included a number of different entertainment and educational programs, and the popular group also presented a folklore show that added a distinctive traditional character.



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