Home entertainment A source for “Al -Watan”: “Housing” announces the provision of 7877 units...

A source for “Al -Watan”: “Housing” announces the provision of 7877 units within two years and the continuation of funds


Hassan Al -Sitry

“Education”: the establishment of 5 schools and 4 academic buildings

Municipalities: 58 projects for the construction, rehabilitation and development of parks, markets and coasts

An informed source revealed that the governmental parliamentary meeting on the details of the budget that took place yesterday resulted in the presentation of 3 ministries for the details of its projects, which are the ministries of housing and urban planning, education, municipal affairs and agriculture, as the Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning announced that it will work to provide 7877 units until 2026.

According to the source, the Minister of Housing and Urban Planning, Amna Al -Rumaihi, stated that the budget allocated to the Ministry is 796 million dinars, of which 160 million dinars from the state, and the rest of the Gulf Support Program and the Housing Bank, which is the largest financing volume for the Ministry’s projects.

She emphasized the continuation of work during the years 2025-2026, to achieve the Ministry’s goals of sustaining the provision of housing services for low-income people, and to reduce waiting lists through immediate obtaining servants

Housing without waiting, by working on 3 tracks, which are to follow up on the implementation of housing cities, the government land development rights program, and housing financing that provide immediate services such as the program to facilitate the target. Priority services in housing cities.

The Ministry will also work to expand the land development rights program through 11 projects during the two years in various governorates, with 4123 units, indicating that the number of projects and units can be increased during the two years.

As for the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Agriculture, Wael Al -Mubarak, he revealed the ministry’s plan to establish and rehabilitate 46 parks and walkways, develop 6 public coasts, 6 markets, and establish 5 commercial projects in partnership with the private sector.

Minister of Education d. Mohamed Gomaa, during the meeting, according to what the source mentioned to “Al -Watan”, revealed the ministry’s plan to attach 300 students at the Faculty of Teachers in the next academic year, and to appoint 275 students as a teacher’s job.

The minister also stated that the ministry’s plan includes the establishment of 3 schools this year, two schools next year, the establishment of two academic buildings this year, the same next year and the maintenance of 80 schools, the expansion of the merger with 13 additional classes, and the attachment of a number of Bahraini competencies that have a qualification specialization in special education.



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