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A parliamentary proposal .. Acknowledgment of linking the annual academic missions to the functional replacement of government vacancies


Hassan Al -Sitry

The Legislative and Legal Affairs Committee in the House of Representatives acknowledged the proposal with a desire to link the annual academic missions to the career of government vacancies.

For his part, the Civil Service Authority stressed that the compatibility of education outcomes with the requirements of the labor market in the public sector is a national responsibility that several government agencies undertaken, and the agency emphasizes the importance of harmonization between education outcomes and the needs of the government sector for the required specializations, and the importance of preparing the necessary plans to activate this, where the agency is concerned with the civil service law issued by Decree Law No. (48) for the year 2010 and its amendments, which provides in item No. (18) of Article (3) on “Work to take into account the guarantee of the appropriateness between the outcomes of education and training and work opportunities available in government agencies in coordination with the competent authorities.”

Government agencies are concerned with identifying future jobs, qualifications and scientific specializations necessary to occupy them, and for its part, the agency coordinates with the Ministry of Education and provides them with a study of guidance with the expected job needs of government agencies, which require a Bachelor’s qualification according to academic specializations, in order to prepare the annual academic mission plan implemented by the Ministry of Education, which aims to align with higher education outcomes The actual needs of government agencies.

Civil service legislation organized the recruitment process in government agencies, through the Civil Service Law issued by Decree Law No. (48) for the year 2010 and its amendments, especially in Articles (10) and (11) regarding the appointment and its conditions, and the executive regulations of the Civil Service Law issued by Prime Minister Resolution No. (51) for the year 2012 and its amendments, the tools necessary for this process in Article (5) of them, and Article (6) Employment and controls.

He explained that filling the jobs is something that is due to the actual need of government agencies, and that these bodies are obligated to notify the Civil Service Service with these vacancies whenever the need arises to occupy them, according to what was included in Article (9) of the executive regulations referred to above, which states that “government agencies notify the apparatus with vacant jobs, which need to be occupied, and the agency assigns the jobs that must be announced in local and external media Advertising controls and exams for jobs.

The agency stated that the original in the recruitment process is to employ the Bahraini candidate who meets the conditions of job jobs.



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