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A new decision of solidarity on social, cultural and women’s rights and obligations


Sunday 02/March/2025 – 10:39 AM

Dr. Maya Morsi, Minister of Social Solidarity, issued a ministerial decision bearing No. 64 of 2025, regarding the replacement of a text from the decision of Minister of Solidarity No. 577 of 2022, regarding limiting all social and cultural rights and obligations of clubs, social defense clubs and women’s clubs.

The decision to social solidarity was published in the number issued today, Sunday, in the Official Gazette.

The first article of the decision of the Minister of Social Solidarity stipulated to replace the text of the second article of the decision of the Minister of Social Solidarity No. 577 of 2022 with the following text: A committee shall be formed by a decision of the head of the Central Administration for Social Welfare or the Director of the Directorate of Social Solidarity – according to cases – is concerned with limiting all the rights and obligations of social and cultural clubs, social defense clubs and women’s clubs, whether central or affiliated with the directorates, and transfer their rights and obligations to The relevant central departments.

The decision of the Minister of Social Solidarity comes after reviewing the law of the local administration system issued by Law No. 43 Year 1979 and its executive regulations, and the Child Law issued by Law No. 12 of 1996 and its executive regulations and amendments, and the Civil Service Law issued by Law No. 81 of 2016 executive, and the law regulating the practice of civil action issued by Law 149 of 2019, and its executive regulations, and on the President’s Resolution No. 258 of 2024 regarding the formation of the government Resolution of the Minister of Social Solidarity No. 577 of 2022 regarding the suspension of the activity of social and cultural clubs, social defense clubs and women’s clubs, whether activities, centralization or affiliated to the directorates, and based on what was presented by the head of the Central Department of Social Welfare in this regard.



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