Home entertainment 61 countries write the end of 2G networks

61 countries write the end of 2G networks


The fourth and fifth generation networks topped the telecommunications technology file, during the previous period, which led to 61 countries to end the handling of the second generation G2 network.

61 countries write the end of 2G /3G networks

61 countries around the world announced the completion of work on the second generation networks, as some of these countries announced the suspension of work in the third generation, in order to liberate the frequency area of ​​the fourth and fifth generation networks, contribute to reducing operating costs, and the trend towards a better digital future, depends on new technologies, which would accelerate the Internet, and ensure a better service, with more quality.

International tricks to finish 2G and 3G networks

South Korea, the UAE, Australia, Switzerland and Japan announced the completion of the work of the second and third generations.

Many countries have begun an urgent plan to accelerate the procedures for ending the second and third generations.

Among these countries, Vietnam, which announced the distribution of phones operating through the fourth generation network for free, to people with low income, and this was one of the plans that contributed to the decline in the percentage of users of 2G networks, significantly in less than a year.



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