Friday 21/Mar/2025 – 01:47 PM
Today, children celebrate Mother’s Day, but there are those who have lost their mothers, so they are looking for a supplication for the deceased mother on Mother’s Day, in order to send her mercy and forgiveness, because supplication is the way to communicate with the mother after her departure, hoping that God will have mercy on her and forgive her.

A prayer for the deceased mother on Mother’s Day
And on a supplication for the deceased mother on Mother’s Day, we offer many supplications that can be called to the mother, the best response times at breakfast time is an hour of response, and also the period between afternoon and Maghrib prayer, and there is an hour that he responded on Friday.
- Oh God, have mercy on my mother, forgive her, and make her grave a kindergarten from the garden of Paradise, and replace it with a house better than her house and a people better than her family.
- Oh God, enlighten the grave of my mother and expand her entrance, honor her descending, and make her at the highest levels of Paradise.
- Lord, make my mother happy in her grave, make the Qur’an her companion, and grant her your mercy that expanded everything.
- Oh God, make my righteous mother’s works a light for her in her grave, exceeded her bad deeds, and wash her with water, snow and cold.
- Oh God, make my prayers for her and write an uninterrupted wage, and grant her eternal happiness in the gardens of bliss.
- Oh God, gather me with my mother in the stable of your mercy, and make our next meeting in Paradise Gardens.
- Oh God, make my mother among those who have no fear and they are sad, and give her a permanent bliss with you.
- Oh God, make my mother who is blessed with seeing your generous face, and keep her shadow on a day that there is no shadow except your shadow.
- O Rahim, replace the pain of loss with patience and contentment, and make me a reason to raise the degrees of my mother with supplication and good deeds.
- Oh God, make my mother’s feast in Heaven more beautiful and fool than any feast I lived in this world.

A prayer for the mother on Mother’s Day
And on the supplication of the mother on Mother’s Day, nothing makes the mother feel more happy than the supplication of her children for her, because supplication expresses love and gratitude and brings blessing and goodness in her life, especially since on Mother’s Day, we offer these blessed supplications for every mother who still blesses life:
- Oh God, keep my mother, look at her life, bless her health, and give her happiness and comfort in all her days.
- Oh God, make my mother happy in this world and the hereafter, and achieve everything that she wishes for, and I am far away from worries.
- Oh God, make my mother the dignity of my eyes, and honor her with health and wellness, and keep away from all evil and evil.
- Oh God, grant my mother the peace of mind, and make happiness fill her heart, and keep away from her everything that grieves her.

- O Lord, make my mother from the people of Paradise, and honor her in this world and the hereafter, and bless her in her health and time.
- Oh God, as I stayed up and tired for me, make her life full of joy and pleasure, and make her one of the people of obedience.
- Oh God, do not deprive me of the presence of my mother, and give her the blessing in her life, and fill her life with light and goodness.
- Oh God, keep my mother with your preservation, and keep the diseases and pain from her, and honor her with your consent and mercy.
- O Rahim, make my mother’s heart reassuring, distant from her anxiety and fear, and grant her permanent happiness.
- Oh God, make my mother’s feast full of goodness and blessing, and give her a wide livelihood, and bless every moment of her life.