Saturday 15/March/2025 – 01:18 PM
The supplication of the half of Ramadan is issued, the entire indicators of Google’s research, where the blessed month of Ramadan, and Muslims want him to seize the remaining days of a few days in the acts of worship and good deeds that make them closer to God Almighty, and make them closer to seizing the Night of Power in the last ten days of Ramadan, and therefore Cairo 24, the prayer of the half of Ramadan is completely written in the most beautiful supplications.
Doaa half of Ramadan is a complete written
We present the supplication of the half of Ramadan, a complete written in many formulas of supplications that include the charitable of the world and the hereafter, for it was the most supplication of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, in general, saying, “Oh God, we have in this world in good and in the hereafter good and we are the torment of fire.” The reward, and it was also said that the good of the world is knowledge, work with it, and the goodness of the Hereafter, facilitating the account and entering Paradise.
In the purified prophetic Sunnah, there is no so -called supplication of the half of Ramadan in a certain form, but supplication is a legitimate year delegated to it at all times, specifically in the seasons of good deeds and the best of them at all supplication in the month of Ramadan, the month of fasting, resurrection, quality and charity, from the hadith of Anas that the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said: Before breakfast and breakfast, and some of them, some of them suggested that at the time of mushrooms, he was called for acceptance.

- Oh God, in the half of Ramadan, lift me the pregnancy of thinking and arrangement.
- Oh God, bring down your pardon, your well -being, your goodness and your blessing, and do not get us out of these blessed days except when you are satisfied with us, O God, O God, make it a blessed night for hearts is a cover for faults.
- Oh Lord, open the gates of goodness in this month and forgive us what has passed and forced our thoughts to what is coming.
- Oh God, in the half of Ramadan, we have blessed us with obedience to the humbled, and our hearts feel the deputation of the loyal to your security, O safety of the fearful, whoever shows the beautiful and the ugly concealment was not taken in the jar and did not violate the concealment, O great pardon.
- O Lord, oh good transcendence, O broad, forgiveness, and oh hands, with mercy, O owner of every Najwa, and the end of all complaints, O Muqtal Al -Akhtraat, answering the invitations, O beginner with blessings before its entitlement to our concerns and our worries.
- Oh God, O Mafraj, all they are, O soul of all distress, O owner of every alone, and oh detecting Ayoub, oh, hear the voice of Yunus, and the sea is the sea of Moses, and the sons of Israel Menji Musa and those with him all.
- Oh God, on this blessed night, please our hearts, and read our eyes with what we are waiting for from you, and appreciated the good for us where we were then satisfied with it and everything I wrote to us, and about our conditions to the best, and make our destiny happy and forced our minds, and grant us good repentance from you and accept you from those who are accepted.
- Oh God, make it a blessed night for the hearts, a cover for defects in accordance with the sins, spilled for the carat, O God, you are an amnesty that loves pardon, so pardon us.

Doaa half of Ramadan 2025
The supplication of the half of Ramadan, for Saturday, 15 Ramadan 1446, and in the March 15, 2025, in which Muslims feel the end of the blessed month of Ramadan, but the opportunity is still an opportunity to seize the remaining days of great days, but it is greater than the past, and it is sufficient for the second half of Ramadan the presence of the last ten days in the stringed nights in which we are coming to the blessed night of destiny, and therefore it is necessary for a lot of supplication throughout From the days of Ramadan before breakfast, during breakfast, at the time of magic, and the time of dawn with these supplications:
- Oh God, in the half of Ramadan, land our hearts, and decide our eyes with what we are waiting for from you, and appreciated the good for us where he was then our land with it and everything I wrote to us, and transformed our conditions into the best, and made our destiny happy and forced our minds, and grant us good repentance from you.
- Oh God, accept the supplication of the half of Ramadan and inform us of the Night of Power, neither missing nor missing.
- Oh God, in the half of Ramadan, make us ongoing charity before death and after death.
- Oh God, make me and from my offspring, I respond to supplication with good, O God, I ask you a light in our graves and to cross the path like lightning, O God, I ask you the highest paradise in Heaven.
- O Lord, instead of our bad deeds, good deeds, and grant us repentance of goodness, and grant us a soul for a mother who cannot tolerate disobedience and does not explain except with repentance. Oh God, fix our souls and keep us away from desires and sins.
- Oh God, I ask you the fixed saying in this world and the hereafter.
- Oh God, help us on the righteousness of our parents and the link of the uterus and to be a help to them, O God, help us to pay the zakat of our money and give us your needs and obedience to you, O God, O God, make a tongue that is remembered throughout Ramadan and after Ramadan.
- Oh God, grant us Umrah and Hajj to your old home over and over again, O God, we have remained in your shadow on a day that there is no shadow except your shadows, O God, fix our religion, our world, our pension, and the hereafter
- Oh God, grant us the intercession of the Prophet and his neighborhood in Heaven, O God, I ask you, please, your mercy, and your blessing in all our affairs.
- Oh God, help us to memorize your book, follow your Prophet, and serve a religion.
- Oh God, release our necks from the fire and the neck of our people and our loved ones.

The night of the half of Ramadan 2025
The night of the half of Ramadan 2025 started after sunset yesterday, Friday 14 Ramadan 1446 A sum, and there is no harm except paid. “The predecessors were allocating invitations to insist on it throughout the month of Ramadan in the prostrations, and the prayers of prayers, before breakfast and at breakfast, and in the enchant.
- Oh God, I ask you to make me who loved and brought you close to you and take my hand to you.
- Oh God, we are arrested, not fascinated, and sedition has abundant in the earth.
- Oh God, make a reputation and a good biography, I remember after my dead.
- Oh God, mocked me who calls me after my dead.
- Oh God, good nature, our morals, our tongue, and our treatment with people, the purification of our intention, and our hearts
- Oh God, I ask you health and wellness in the remainder of Ramadan to the Night of Power.
- Oh God, I ask you for livelihood from where we do not count, O God, I ask you for success in life
- Oh God, grant me good offspring, preserve the Qur’an, and give me everything that you need.
- Oh God, we think of forgiveness, forgiveness, wellness, concealment, repentance, guidance, happiness, steadfastness, livelihood, success and good conclusion.
- Oh God, I ask you the happiness of the two homes, the luck of the two homes, the success of the two homes, and the provision of the two homes.
- Oh God, make me one of your grateful servants, and I mean your remembrance, thank you, and your good worship.