Home entertainment 4 tenders to create 649 housing units in Salman

4 tenders to create 649 housing units in Salman


Zahra Habib

Yesterday, the Tenders Council opened 11 tender competing with 67 bids, the most important of which are four tenders presented by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning to create 649 housing units in Salman City, three of which are within the government land development program, and a tender for the Capital Secretariat to establish a Badel stadium and a half basketball stadium in Isa City, and 9 companies competed with it, and the least was a price of 39.9 thousand dinars and the Ministry of Housing and Planning was presented Al -Amrani with four tenders to create 649 housing units in Salman.

The first tender for investment with the private sector and the establishment of 69 housing units in Salman Al -Jazeera 14 within the government land development program will be due, and the bidder who offers the highest ground value will be chosen with all technical standards fulfilling, and will be responsible for the design, financing and building housing units and linking them to the infrastructure.

And the mandate of the developer to sell these units to the beneficiaries of the Ministry’s social housing financing programs, provided that the agreed value of the land is paid to the housing after the completion of the project and the completion of the process of selling all units, and the developer must pay the Ministry of Housing the agreed value to the land, in addition, the ministry will provide an apostate purchase arrangement for any units that are still not sold after 24 months of the completion of the construction, and 6 companies submitted to them.

Details of the second tender for the Ministry of Housing indicate the establishment of 24 housing units in Salman City, for the Salman Al -Jazeera city project 13, as part of the government land development program, and 6 bids are offered, and the third bidding for the project to establish 44 housing units in the same area is Al -Jazeera 14, and it includes the infrastructure and three sub -stations with a power of 11 kV, and 8 companies compete on it, and the fourth tender is competed with the contract management and supervision of the site to build 512 social housing units On the island of Salman 12 in three pieces, which are (15, 18 and 19), by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning and funded by the government, and 15 companies compete on it.

The Ministry of Finance and National Economy presented two tenders; The first to renew the insurance policy related to the civil liability of maritime marks, for a period of 3 years, starting from April 19 to April 18, 2028, and two bids have been provided with the least of 4 thousand dinars. A second tender for the Ministry of Finance was opened to appoint neutral consultants qualified to conduct a comprehensive review and evaluation of the technical aspects of the central financial system, which was submitted to 4 companies, and it was less bid at 24.8 thousand dinars.

The Capital Amanat presented a tender to establish a Badel stadium and a half basketball stadium in Isa City, which was competed with 9 companies, and the least of which was 39.9 thousand dinars.

The Ministry of Education presented a tender to provide devices for the ranks of autism disorder, mental disorder and Down syndrome, such as printers and interactive presentations, and televisions, with the aim of using information and communications technology in education, and to ensure students obtain a specific and distinguished education, and only one company provided it with a bid of 33.2 thousand dinars. While the Department of Public Services and Central Stores at the Electricity and Water Authority submitted a tender for the purchase of electrical conductors, two bids were received at 374 thousand dinars.

The committee opened a tender for primary health care centers, to supply and install a biological indicators for sterilization in all health centers, to be used in steam sterilization devices in 27 health centers to evaluate quality biological indicators (BIS), and provide them with 8 bids at least at a value of 20.4 thousand dinars.

It also opened a tender for a unified insurance policy for the legal responsibility of members of the Board of Directors, managers and officials of the Babco Enemz Group, which was competed with 6 companies with varying bids, least at 24.8 thousand dinars.



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