Home politics 31 municipal bakery is seized to produce weight -weight bread during lake...

31 municipal bakery is seized to produce weight -weight bread during lake bakery campaigns


Saturday 08/March/2025 – 03:11 AM

The Directorate of Supply and Internal Trade in Beheira Governorate continued its ration campaigns against municipal bakeries in the centers and cities of the governorate, to ensure that support from the subsidized municipal flour has reached its beneficiaries, not smuggling it to the black market, and taking all legal measures against violators.

Supply campaigns on municipal bakeries in the centers and cities of Beheira Governorate

In the Kafr El -Dawar Center, a rationing campaign headed by Mohamed Fawzi, Director of the Department, and the membership of Abbas Mohamed, the chief inspector of the administration, managed to seize 7 bakeries to produce minus weight bread from 6 to 19 grams, and seized 7 bakeries to not announce the operating dates during the month of Ramadan, and seized 3 bakeries for not cleaning dough tools.

A catering campaign at the Itay Al -Baroud Center under the supervision and chairmanship of Karim Haroun, Director of the Department, and accompanied by Tamer Mamoun in the administration, managed to seize 11 bakes to produce minus weight bread, and seized a closed bakery during official working hours without permission and his sales are being inquired.

The rationing campaign at the Itay Al -Baroud Center also seized a bakery due to the presence of other violations, and to supervise the distribution of gas in the district of Al -Dahriya Village, with the supply campaigns continuing the municipal bakeries in the centers and cities of the governorate, to ensure that support reaches its beneficiaries, and not smuggling the municipal flour supported by the black market.



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