Home entertainment 29 companies compete for 6 tenders for 5 government agencies

29 companies compete for 6 tenders for 5 government agencies


Ayman shape

Yesterday, the Board of Tenders and Auctions opened 6 tenders for five government agencies competing with 29 companies, the most prominent of which was the tender of the Ministry of Health to provide them with an anti -respiratory virus vaccine and the virus.

In the tender, the Ministry of Health requested that it be provided with the RSV and anti -virus vaccine, as two companies competed for the tender, and it was the lowest tender of 94.5 thousand dinars.

The Housing Bank also presented a tender for design and engineering supervision work on the sword Greens project in the Al -Seef area, and 11 engineering offices competed with bids whose details have not been mentioned.

Bapco Refining Company asked companies to apply for a tender for the design, purchase and completion of the project of replacing heating and ventilation units and air conditioning the main air, the first phase of the security building, the filter Central Building, the Energy Building, Facilities, and the Warf SLM 5.

In another Babco refining tender, a tender for construction services was presented to develop a jacket berth project in the pavement No. 5 and 6 to enhance the ability to handle liquid charges through the development of the pars Among them at a value of 12.2 million dinars.

The Blage Algeria Real Estate Development Company presented a tender in which it invited specialized contractors, and those who have experience in providing their bids to the main construction work of the Beach Club of Blage Algeria, where the project includes the establishment and maintenance of the beach club, and the business scope includes the construction of the main building and the service building, swimming pool, coordination of gardens and green spaces, the delivery of major networks, electrical work, street lighting system, water supply, sanitation, sanitation, and sanitation And 5 companies made bids, the least of which were of 2.45 million dinars.

Gulf Air Group also requested to apply for a special tender for the management of the company’s platform in the Gulf Air Circuit in the Bahrain Grand Prix of Formula 1 2025.



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