Bahrain, may God loved by the grace of Islam, has held this great religion and raised it for more than 1400 years. The mosques in Bahrain have existed since the first decades of Islam – and the best example of this is the historic Thursday mosque that was built during the era of the Umayyad Caliph Omar bin Abdulaziz – and continues to be built until the moment.
Recently, the number of mosques in Bahrain reached, according to the Al -Ayyam newspaper, which in turn extracted the information from the government data platform about 1336 mosques and the number is increasing. This number is large for a small country that has a population of less than two million people, and it is evidence of the state’s interest in building the role of worship in every region and every neighborhood, where His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince, Prime Minister, may God protect him on February 26, ordered the opening, restoration and rehabilitation of 40 mosques affiliated with the Sunni and Ja`faria Endowments Department, in all governorates of the Kingdom of Bahrain, within the framework of the plan to develop mosques and mosques.
These orders to construct and rehabilitate the role of worship are not a strange matter for the rulers of this esteemed country, who have always paid great attention to mosques and mosques throughout the ages.
Also, this huge number of mosques shows the extent of the people of Bahrain’s adherence to their religion and their keenness to exist of God’s homes in every part of the country in order to be close to them to perform their prayers that God – Glory be to Him – has commanded them.
The construction of mosques in Islam is great, and it is considered one of the greatest works of good, and it is a current charity for the donor throughout his life and after his death. The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, tells us about the merit of building mosques, and he says, “Whoever built a mosque in which he mentions his name, God built a house for him in heaven.”
And it is lucky in this time who has the ability to build a mosque in Bahrain due to the high cost of construction and furnishing, so congratulate the great wage and the house in heaven, God willing, for everyone who contributed to the construction of a mosque in these years.
When the mosques in Bahrain mention, the distinguished role that the Youssef bin Ahmed Kano family played in the mind is the generous in the construction of mosques and mosques, which numbered at least 12 mosques and mosques in all governorates of Bahrain that still supervises their maintenance and care, as it is one of the leading families in building the homes of God, and the list of donors in this aspect in Bahrain.
We also do not forget about many affordable families and merchants from the people of Bahrain who are currently building mosques, and they see in preparing them with the luxury of carpets and lighting to lead them to the servants of Rahman; God made her in the balance of their good deeds, and increased them from his good.
I see that our mosques prepared a distinguished preparation for these blessed days that we live in, and they are full of humble worshipers listening to the recitation of the Qur’an in Tarawih and the fulfillment of the mouths of readers and sheikhs who are able to be able to such as His Eminence Sheikh Anas Issa Al -Emadi and His Eminence Sheikh Dr. Juma Tawfiq Al -Dossary and Sheikh d.
Khaled Abdul Rahman Al -Shano, Sheikh Khaled Abdul Rahman Al Rayes and many others. We can only make praise and appreciation for the efforts made by the Endowment Department in preparing our mosques and our mosques for this most important night in the life of a Muslim, so that we can be among those who win the wage and realize the Night of Power.