Home politics Worship without effect on behavior has no value

Worship without effect on behavior has no value


Friday 21/Feb/2025 – 07:47 PM

Dr. Nazir Ayyad, the Grand Mufti of the Egyptian Diyar, stressed that man is in a permanent conflict with himself and with his human brother, and even with the forces of nature, unless there is a divine constitution that governs the relationship between individuals and societies, noting that divine laws, along with statutory constitutions, It ensures the achievement of justice and stability, otherwise the alternative is the society of the jungle, where values ​​collapse and principles disappear.

Mufti: Worship without a trace of behavior has no value

The Egyptian Mufti, the Egyptian Diyar, explained, during an interview with Dr. Assem Abdel Qader, with a program with the Mufti, broadcast on Al -Nas channel, today, Friday, that religion is the treatment, and it shows its impact on the behavior of individuals, whether in their sayings, actions, or in their trade, and their business, explaining that True religiosity pushes a person to sensitize responsibility towards his family and society, as the failure in the performance of rights leads to the loss of families and the corruption of societies.

Dr. Nazir Ayyad pointed out that worship in mosques has no value without having an impact on the behavior of the individual, citing the words of God Almighty: “The believers who are in their prayers have succeeded and who are those who are exposed Religious and worldly matters, where the believer must make his work in the world a way to obtain the satisfaction of God, and not just a separate physical pursuit of Spiritual values.

And Abizaid: The relationship in the Islamic perspective is clear. That is why, God Almighty deflected those who seek the world only, and he said: And from the people who says our Lord, come to us in this world, and what he has in the hereafter from creation ۝ and whoever says to us, and whoever says: The hereafter is good and our torment of fire), and for this, the Prophet ﷺ was keen to achieve this balance, so the ideal model in combining acts of worship and between work and pursuit in the world, in order to achieve the concept of disagreement that is based on the reconstruction of the earth, according to the values ​​and principles that preserve the balance between the world and the hereafter.



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