Home politics With the lawsuit of love .. an African contemporary seizes 12 million...

With the lawsuit of love .. an African contemporary seizes 12 million dirhams from European elderly


Tuesday 18/Feb/2025 – 08:10 AM

An elderly woman bearing a European nationality was subjected to emotional fraud, after a homosexual with the nationality of an African country from the monument succeeded by her illusion by deluding that he is residing in the Emirates, to turn him all of her bolders, which amounted to about 12 million dirhams.

Romantic fraud victims

Brigadier Saeed Al -Hajri, Director of Electronic Crime Control of the General Administration of Investigations and Criminal Investigation at Dubai Police, warned of what is known as romantic fraud or emotional lure, explaining that the fraud is emotionally manipulating it with his victims and then drains them.

Al -Hajri revealed, during an interview with the Arab Cast platform that victims were complex to the complex material and psychological attritions due to their trap of these fraudsters, including an elderly European woman who lost all her savings that pour for nearly 12 million dirhams.

He added that this came after its lure is a fraud that holds the nationality of one of the African countries, adding that the accused claimed that he was a handsome young man residing in Dubai, so the woman sold all their property and transformed their value to him, in addition to the money they possessed, and moved to Dubai to discover their occurrence in a tight trap.

Al -Hijri indicated to the Emirates today, that the problem in that incident is that the fraud himself does not live in Dubai, but rather resides in one of the African country, pointing out that the woman who was suffering from unity and emptiness in her country informed the police and all measures that help them were taken.

He emphasized that the Dubai Police team managed to identify the fraud and its location, and met with the correlation officer for international prosecution, and information about the accused was handed over to the concerned diplomatic authorities.



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