Home news With easy and 100% easy steps download Grand Thuft Auto: San Andreas...

With easy and 100% easy steps download Grand Thuft Auto: San Andreas 2025 from here .. Get the game and enjoy it with your friends


Through easy and guaranteed steps, you can download Grand Thuft Auto San Andreas game, which is one of the old games that is the CG player who opposes the laws and overcomes the gangs, and some want to download it for an unforgettable experience in the world of fake theft.

Download Grand Thuft Auto Saint Andreas game

This game is still an unforgettable memory for the millennial generation, as it is from the beginning of fairy car gang games, we show you in the following points the way to download as follows:

  1. You can download via Google Play.From here“Or App Store”From here”.
  2. The download icon is clicked.
  3. After completing the download process, the game is installed.

Features of Grand Thifet Auto Saint Andreas game

The GTA game is one of the fun games in the open world that can be played through the phone or computer, and these features are the following:

  • It contains a large number of gangs that should be included in clashes with them to get rid of them.
  • There are many cars and vehicles such as motorcycles, tanks, and others.
  • It includes a variety of weapons such as pistols, machine guns and even missile launchers.
  • The player can drive on the fast road.
  • It includes many enjoyable activities such as betting, going to the gym and many arcade games.
  • By connecting to the Internet you can share the game friends and enter many matches and adventures with CG.

requirements Grand Thifet Auto San Andreas game For the computer

There are some requirements that need to be available in computers, and these are the following requirements:

Operating requirements minimum Recommended

Windows 2000 \ xp Windows XP \ Vista \ 7/10 32-bit

Pentium 3 or AMD Athlon 1 GHz CPU Or Equivalent Intel Pentium 4 AMD Athlon XP Processor
Screen card

128 MB Directx 9.0 Compatible Video Card 256 MB Directx 9.0 Compatible Video Card
Random memory

256 mb ram 512 MB Ram
The required space

4.7 GB Free Space 4.7 GB Free Space

DirectX 9 DirectX 9

About the Grand Auto Saint Andreas game

The first appearance of this game was on the date of 2004 on the Microsoft Windows operating system, enjoying an advanced graphic, which distinguished it and made it the closest to real life in terms of characters and car design.

Grand Thift Auto game we consider one of the distinctive games that left an unforgettable imprint in fans of video and cars since childhood, we mentioned the loading method that follows you can start going through adventures with CG, carry it now and start the trip with enthusiasm!


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