Home politics Whatever you insult you will remain higher than you

Whatever you insult you will remain higher than you


Thursday 20/Feb/2025 – 12:13 PM

Artist Magdy Kamel defended his wife, the artist Maha AhmedAfter the criticism she had affected since she entered the field of Livat via Tek Tok, as she made it clear that she entered the tuk tuk for the purpose of profiting because of her lack of artwork.

Majdi Kamel, accompanied by his wife Maha Ahmed, appeared in Life via Tene Tok, saying: I pray to Maha, may God grant her success in her new program, and the negative energy of the negative energy that they exported to people, when you see a successful limit that encouraged him to be happy with content Above your insult and remain higher than you.

Maha Ahmed reveals the truth about her statements regarding Magdy Kamel’s marriage

On the other hand, the artist Maha Ahmed has already sparked the controversy over the statements attributed to her about her husband, the artist Majdi Kamel, to marry a second woman, saying during her statements to Cairo 24: People who talk about this topic are like Dabin and people of Habla, I want to see views on our account, the truth is that I was In Live Live broadcast and spoke with the audience.

She added: She was one of the follow -ups asking me a lot about Majdi, so I laughed with her and told her that he was with his second wife, and I allowed him to marry 4 women, and I continued to joking, pointing out that the joke in the broadcast turned into false rumors once some people took advantage of the situation to promote publications Fake with the aim of achieving views and financial profit.

Maha Ahmed continued: Unfortunately, in people who are fabricated by Mancat to earn money, and use our names to promote false news, confirming that her relationship with her husband is a full good Majdi and there is no truth to what was circulated about his marriage to a second woman.



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