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The true story of Rambo movie .. Who is the soldier Audi Murphy, the hero of World War II?


Saturday 22/Feb/2025 – 03:31 am

First Blood was shown in 1982, putting Sylvester Stallone and John Rambo’s character in the ranks of immortal names in the history of cinema, and the film was based on the writer David Morel’s novel that bears the same name, which tells the story of an ancient warrior from the Vietnam War that suffers from difficulty adapting to civil life.

The character’s fame spread to the extent of the name Rambo in the Oxford dictionary, and even its use as a scientific shortcut to a group of dead stars, which surprised Morel himself, and he was expressed by saying: Rambo has become part of the global culture, to the point that I am copying my novel with the title of ‘Rambo’s father’ As if he was the son of Nasha and took his own way.

Rambo movie story

Although Morel wrote only one novel on Rambo, the character continued in the cinema through four additional parts that spanned nearly four decades, which is the first blood: the second part of Rambo 1985, Rambo, Rambo 2008, and finally Rambo: the last blood 2019 It is reported that the last two films are available to broadcast via the Netflix platform.

The true story of Rambo movie?
The true story of Rambo movie?

The true story of Rambo movie?

As for the true story of Rambo, although the Rambo films series belongs to the world of imagination, it is partially based on real events, and Morel explained that Rambo’s character was drawn from several sources, most notably the American soldier Audi Murphy, one of the most honored warriors in World War II, And who is famous for its championships during the World War.

The true story of Rambo movie?
The true story of Rambo movie?

Morel was also affected by the reports of the Vietnam War and the riots that took place inside the American cities, as well as the harassment of the returning soldiers, which resemble some of the harassment that Rambo faced in the novel.

Who is Audi Murphy, the true hero of Rambo?

Audi Murphy was born in Texas, and was able to join the army, who was seventeen years old after lied about his age, he fought prominent battles, including Sicily invaded in 1943 and the Battle of Anzio in 1944, and contributed to the liberation of France, which made him one of the most soldiers The Americans in honor, and later, entered the world of cinema and wrote about his experiences in World War II in the book to hell and back, He starred in the film adapted from the book.

Who is Audi Murphy, the true hero of Rambo?
Who is Audi Murphy, the true hero of Rambo?

Despite his heroism, Murphy’s life was not easy after the war, as he suffered from post -traumatic disorder, and he slept with a weapon next to him, and woke up from his nightmares while shooting the room side.

This suffering inspired Morel to photograph Rambo as a character suffering from the effects of war, challenging her societies that she did not accept, and Murphy died in a plane crash in 1971 at the age of 46, but his legacy, and if he was not identical to Rambo, he contributed greatly to the formation of this immortal cinematic figure .



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