M. Saba Al -Asfour
“A healthy mind in a healthy body” is a phrase we have learned from an early age in school, in order to ensure the development of our mental skills with academic excellence, in addition to physical skills with exercise and good food. And if we agreed in terms of generally the content of the phrase, but life taught us what is deeper, how many of the body is ill with disease or disability The opposite is how true of the body, the muscles, we have only increased calamities and resolutions.
Be sure to build a healthy body by exercising and following a balanced food diet is very important, but the most important thing is the purpose of this building, so we see a number of young men and women who are keen to attend the dates of training in sports clubs more than the dates of work, study or prayer, and they pay huge sums, and strive for long hours in hard training to obtain a consistent body and with high specifications, but Not for a long life in good health, but unfortunately for other reasons.
Some girls have become obsessed with models bodies, spending most of their time in the exercise hall to ensure that 100 grams are not acquired from their weight, because they wanted their appearance in a site compared to the fascista and so -and -so actress, and the worst of those who seek this body to excite the jealousy of her friends.
Likewise, some young people are not except, Mujahideen and warriors to build a muscle -muscular body to be more prestigious in the midst of their peers, and sometimes with the aim of drawing the attention of the opposite sex, or to bullying those who are more vulnerable and less trick in youth gatherings sites.
The physical construction that is not accompanied by a rational or moral building is not good in it. Our noble Messenger said: “The strong believer is good and more loved to God from the weak believer.” The strong person with his faith can exercise his human role without fear and builds, lives and enjoins the good and forbids evil and if he is weak physical, and there is no good in the muscular and the nickname is mentally and morally The building of a person from the inside is equal to the creation, thought, and exterior in health and muscle in order for the nation to increase the beauty, not a wreath.