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The guardian of the guardian of 30 thousand dirhams for his son due to a minor


Abu Dhabi: Abdel -Rahman Saeed, the Abu Dhabi Family and Civil Cofalical Court ruled that the guardian of the amount of 30 thousand dirhams to a second guardian, where his son insulted the “minor”, ​​the daughter of the guardian who decides to compensate and offend her, as the court ruled for her with this amount to compensate for what It was caused by material, literary, moral and psychological damage, as a result of this crime. In the details, the prosecutor’s guardian filed a lawsuit in the face of another guardian of the “defendant”, in which he requested the ruling to compel the defendant to pay the plaintiff an amount of 100 thousand dirhams, in compensation for the material, moral, moral and psychological damage he suffered from the crime he committed. The prosecutor filed his lawsuit to support the defendant’s son



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