Thursday 20/Feb/2025 – 01:43 AM
In an exceptional archaeological surprise, the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities announced the discovery of the cemetery of King Tuthmosis II, the mysterious husband of Queen Hatshepsut, in the Valley of the Kings in Luxor.
This discovery is one of the most important discoveries in recent decades, as it highlights one of the most mysterious periods in the history of ancient Egypt.
Discover details
A joint research team between the Supreme Council of Antiquities and the Modern State Research Foundation managed to find the cemetery, which includes a major corridor leading to the burial chamber.
Among the discoveries were utensils of albistr, engraved by the names of King Tuthmosis II and Queen Hatshepsut, which could indicate the presence of joint funerary equipment unknown previously.

But the condition of the cemetery was deteriorating due to the torrents that swept the site shortly after the death of the king, which necessitated the intervention of the restoration experts to reinstall the fallen pieces of mortar, in an attempt to preserve this historical disclosure.
Tuthmosis II and Hatshepsut: A political marriage or a struggle for the ruling?
Tuthmosis II, the fourth kings of the eighteenth family, married his half -sister, Queen Hatshepsut, in a political move to strengthen his royal legitimacy.
Although he was the actual king, historical evidence indicates that Hatshepsut was a real influence during his short period of rule, due to its descent from a stronger royal strain.

After the death of Tuthmosis the II, his young son, Tuthmosis III, assumed the throne, but Hatshepsut declared itself as Pharaoh, and Egypt ruled for about 22 years, becoming one of the greatest rulers of ancient Egypt.
This discovery may add new information about the nature of their relationship and how the judgment is transferred between them.
The achievements of King Tuthmosis II
Despite the short period of his rule, Tuthmosis II left important imprints in Egyptian history, among them: suppressing the rebellion in Nubia and putting a memorial plate at the third waterfall, securing the eastern borders of Egypt against the Bedouins “Shasu”, the launch of architectural projects in the Karnak Temple, including the eighth gate, And the establishment of a temple in the city of Habo in Luxor, which was later completed by his son Tuthmosis III.

What does this discovery add to archeology?
The mummy of King Tuthmosis the II was previously found in 1871 in the cabinet of the marine monastery (Cemetery No. 320), but there was no funeral furniture known to the king in global museums.
Thus, this discovery constitutes a valuable addition to the understanding of the royal funerary rituals, and it may also reveal more details about the real role of Queen Hatshepsut during his rule.

Luxor is still a live treasure
This discovery emphasizes the importance of the Valley of the Kings as one of the greatest archaeological sites, and re -highlights the reign of Tuthmosis II, which is still surrounded by many secrets.
It also enhances cultural tourism opportunities in Egypt, and opens new horizons for more future discoveries.