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Teachers Academy announces the regulations and dates of applying for the validity certificate


Wed/Feb 26/2025 – 10:22 AM

The Professional Academy of Teachers at the Ministry of Education and Technical Education announced that within the framework of organizing procedures for obtaining the necessary validity certificate to advance to the higher jobs of teachers, and in light of the approval of the Minister of Education and Technical Education, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Professional Academy of Teachers on the mechanisms of governance and the service of promotions, and accreditation On the points system in evaluating the components of the promotion file, and that this electronically fulfills in implementation of Egypt’s 2030 vision in the field Digital transformation, the following is implemented:

– The registration site of the completion of the promotion file electronically is available for the year 2024-2025 for the teachers nominated for promotion, managers, mentors and evaluation committees in departments from Sunday, March 9, until Thursday, May 8, 2025, via the teacher staff data link from here

– Alerting teachers nominated to advance the entry on the teacher staff data website/http://academy.emis.gov.eg to fulfill the terms of the teacher completion file form electronically and the professional academy for teachers will issue a publication later specifying the procedures for enrolling the training program needed to obtain a certificate The validity needed to advance.

Controls and dates of applying for a certificate of validity

– The performance of the teacher is evaluated to obtain the validity certificate needed to advance from 100 points, which are distributed according to the contents of the promotion file as follows:

  • The training program is fulfilled and allocated 50 points, and the teacher is required to obtain at least 50% of the total end of the program allocated to the program.
  • The teacher’s completion file form, which consists of 10 general professional items, is allocated for each of these items 3 points, so that the total evaluation points of the form are 30 points.
  • The teacher’s performance evaluation form by the school principal is allocated to 10 points.
  • The teacher’s performance evaluation form by the technical mentor is allocated to 10 points.
  • The teacher gives the validity certificate needed to advance from the level of a teacher’s jobs, and a first teacher to the highest job if he achieves at least 60 points from the total number of items above, taking into account the achievement of the first clause condition, as well as the teacher gives the authority necessary Expert to the highest job if he achieved at least 65 points of the total number of items above, taking into account the achievement of the first clause condition.
  • And and the parity is automated to fulfill the promotion file electronically via the teacher staff data website according to the roles and responsibilities specified as follows:
  • The teacher is a fully responsible responsibility for the fulfillment of the terms of the teacher’s completion file form on electronically entering through a site through his page and after the completion and review he presses the icon http://academy.emis.gov.eg/ preservation and registration, and bears all the effects of not doing so.
  • The teacher is also responsible for following up the implementation of the evaluation electronically by following his page constantly, as he electronically allows him to see the movement of his promotion file evaluations through his page via the aforementioned website link.
  • The e -government is responsible for each school, a full responsibility for:

– The school principal is available to enter http://academy.emis.gov.eg to assess the performance of teachers nominated for promotion electronically and register and save this on the site, as well as allow the entry of the competent technical mentor to evaluate the performance of the teacher electronically according to a specialized subject, register and save this on the site.

– Providing entry on the site with an official record in which the date of entry and approval of the completion of the registration of the evaluation operations electronically, and the teacher’s performance evaluation forms are printed by the director and the directed after registration and they are approved by the director and the directed both with regard to him and retain the opening and closure records as well as the evaluation forms in a special file that is done Refer to it at the time of need

– The employees of the jobs of the teachers nominated for promotion who occupy: school administration jobs, technical guidance functions, the functions of the director and agent of the educational administration, and the directors and agents of the educational directorates are evaluated from their direct manager as an alternative to the school principal, and they are evaluated by the first or general mentor of the competent according to the conditions The last year of his teaching work.

  • The principal of the school is a full responsibility for following up the implementation of the e -government official for all his responsibilities, and to ensure that the registration is completed for all the evaluation and data required before the site is closed according to the specified dates. It sends a report stating that all work of completing the promotion files electronically for the candidates in his school to the committee to evaluate the teachers ’completion files in the administration.
  • A committee is held at the level of each educational department headed by the deputy department and a member of the first directive of the article or the one who replaces them from non -candidates for promotion and a legal member to evaluate the files of the teachers ’completion files electronically.
  • The Director of the Statistics Department in each educational administration responsible for full responsibility for: Providing members of the Evaluation Committee for Teachers ’Complete Files Entrepreneur An official report, and the evaluation report is printed and approved by the committee and kept it to return it at The need.
  • Committee for the evaluation of the teacher’s completion file in each educational administration is fully responsible for following up schools in the scope of the administration, and ensuring that registration is completed for all the required evaluation and data before the site is closed according to the specified dates, and the committee sends a report stating that all work of completing the promotion files electronically in all schools occurred The scope of the educational administration to the Director of the Directorate.
  • The Director of the Directorate is a general supervisor of the departments evaluation committees, and a full responsibility official for following up the departments and ensuring that the teachers ’files are met electronically in schools and departments within the district of the directorate before the site is closed according to the specified dates, and he sends a report stating that all work of completing the promotion files electronically within the directorate to the Mr. to the master Director of the Professional Academy for Teachers
  • In order to facilitate the teachers, the files of promotion are fulfilled in the schools of the governorates of their assignment, provided that their names are included in the statements attached to the ministerial decision to grant validity certificate after completing all the requirements within the statements of their original provinces.
  • The continued opening of the registration site to fulfill the candidacy for the procedures for obtaining the necessary validity certificate for promotion for teachers who failed to register to run through e -government officials in schools and educational departments, until 5/25/2025, provided that they are allowed to fulfill the file of obtaining the necessary validity certificate for promotion as soon as registered Nominate them.
  • The direction towards the strict alert is done to generalize a periodic bulletin to the Directorate’s Office and all the collections of educational departments and all schools, as well as on the website of the Directorate in the instructions and procedures referred to at high to ensure the information of teachers nominated for promotion, as well as e -government officials in schools and statistics departments in educational departments, and alerting all school principals And technical guidance within the scope of your directorate quickly implementing what was stated in high responsibilities Specified by high during the declared period of time.



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