Home entertainment Ramadan worship is not usually Al Watan newspaper

Ramadan worship is not usually Al Watan newspaper


“Oh God, his family, with us with security and faith, safety and Islam, and success for what you love and be satisfied.” Ramadan overlooks us, the month of mercy, forgiveness, and emancipation from the fire, to stand with ourselves and consider how to receive it. Do we prepare for him spiritually as we do financially? Did we clean our hearts from the grudges as we cleaned our homes?

While Ramadan is awaited as an opportunity for spiritual transcendence, some are drifting towards excessive consumption, as the numbers reveal an increase in food consumption by 40% in Ramadan, while more than 25% of food is wasted daily in some Arab countries, is this not a flagrant contradiction with the teachings of Islam in moderation? God Almighty says: “Eat, drink, and do not see that he does not love those who are forgotten” (Al -A’raf: 31).

But Ramadan is not just a fast for food and drink, but rather a fasting for hatred and hatred- unfortunately- some enter this month carrying discounts, although the Prophet (PBUH) said: “The gates of heaven are opened on Monday and Thursday, so he forgives every servant who does not share anything with God, except a man between him and his brother Shahna, so he said: Look at these two until they are terminated.” How can we deprive ourselves of this divine pardon because of worldly differences?

In this context, Bahrain provides a bright model in promoting social cohesion and peaceful coexistence, as Ramadan councils play a role in strengthening ties and promoting dialogue, and social and voluntary initiatives contribute to supporting the needy, these authentic Islamic values ​​that are applied on the ground that make Ramadan an opportunity to meditate and follow their example.

Let Ramadan be a station for change, not only in our eating habits, but in our behavior and our morals, generosity does not mean extravagance, but studied giving, tolerance does not mean forgetting only, but bypassing differences with a sincere will, Ramadan is not just a passing guest, but a golden opportunity to purify our souls before our tables, and we fill our hearts with giving before our dishes, so the blessed month is a turning point in it It lasts, and we hold reconciliation with those of our opponent, and we extend a helping hand for those who need us, for generosity is not in the abundance of food, but in the abundance of love and forgiveness, so do we seize the opportunity, and leave an impact in this month as it leaves its impact on us? Do we start from today?

On the forefront, we congratulate the gathering of the Islamic nation, and we raise congratulations to every Muslim, asking God to make it a month of good and blessing, and to help us in it to do obedience, in light of the worldly challenges we witness and the spiritual review we need.



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