Home entertainment “Proto Cloon” .. the first human robot in the world is equipped...

“Proto Cloon” .. the first human robot in the world is equipped with muscles and bones


CLONE ROBITICS, a start -up company in the field of technology, has developed the first human -shaped robot in the world, called “Proto Cloon” with muscles, bones, trembling and shrinking, where “cloning” is considered to appear as a human being including cartilage and tendons, according to the newspaper “The Sun British.

The first structural muscle robot in the world

This robot is classified as the first structural muscular robot in the world, and he published footage of it moving like a doll, as Proto Cloon appeared in the video, hanging without mobility, his head curved, and commented on a hunger.

According to the video, it begins to move while moving the legs. And knees and elbows.

Protoclone v1 “without a” face “

The robots company, which works in Poland and the United States, describes the Protoclone V1 robot as “without a face” but in anatomically it contains an object, in addition to containing a network consisting of more than 1000 industrial muscles and 500 sensors, which means that it is able to Conducting 200 independent movements.

Adult conflict

Earlier, Clone stated that its robot technology is superior to Tesla technology, while Elon Musk said earlier this month: “Tesla Optimus models of artificial intelligence are so sophisticated.”



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