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Parliamentary objections to the government’s responses on the positions of Salmaniya and the fees of private universities


Yesterday, the deputies session witnessed criticism of government agencies for the government’s responses to the proposals with a desire, and they demanded clear responses to them. Representative Mahdi Al -Shuwaikh said: housing requests are canceled for citizens because they are their salaries reached 1,200 dinars, then his salary decreases due to retirement or any other reason, and he goes to revive his request, so he is surprised That the application is registered as a new request, the old application must be repeated, and a fee must be reviewed Al -Salmaniya Medical Complex, it is not correct to take fees from patients or their companions who go to the Al -Salmaniya complex, Al -Tabaluh, Representative Hisham Al -Asheiri: The proposal with a desire regarding the parking lots of Al -Salmaniya Medical Complex is evident that patients suffer from the absence of free parking as before, and when the patient goes to the Salmaniya sitting 4 hours, Is it reasonable to count on it? Meanwhile, MP Muhammad Al -Rifai said: I have a citizen who pays 7 dinars daily to the parking lots of cars, because his daughter is treated with children’s cancer. For her part, MP said. Maryam Al -Dhawan: The subject of study prices in private universities has become one of the topics that haunt Bahraini families, as the continuous increase in tuition fees makes it difficult for many families to continue to teach their children in these educational institutions. In fact, the cost of education in private universities has become a burden Heavy, parents have been worn since the childhood of their children and increases as they graduate from school, especially if there is more than one student in the same family, which creates Great financial challenges for the guardian and reflect negatively on the stability of the family. She continued: We see that the proposal with a desire to monitor the Higher Education Council for study prices in private universities represents an important step towards promoting educational justice and ensuring the provision of higher education opportunities for all citizens without being at the expense of the financial capacity of families, and we must take into account that these universities benefit from The facilities provided by the state. Representative Khaled Boualneq said: Why does the Bahraini remain for years for years, the problem is that there are 17 employees in the House of Representatives with temporary contracts, so how do we talk about the government. As for MP Mahmoud Verdun, he said: We suggested doubling the high cost of Ramadan, how the government responds to being achieved on the ground on the basis that the allocations of social bonuses have been doubled, and Representative Hassan Ibrahim said: We see a factory that sticks to a housing house and not classified areas, and a manufacturer. 40 years old and the Ministry of Housing built houses next to the factories and the people complain, so who is wrong, the ministry or the factory? Abdul Wahid Qaraat: The goal of the Ministry of Housing is to provide adequate housing for the citizen, and not to get people out of the waiting list.



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