Home entertainment Olympic champion Iman Khalif receives a “wonderful” gift from one of the...

Olympic champion Iman Khalif receives a “wonderful” gift from one of the Real Madrid players (photo)


The Algerian Olympic champion Iman Khalif revealed that she received a wonderful gift from the German defender Antonio Rudigger, in light of her fierce judicial battle with the International Boxing Federation.

Iman Khalif, through her account on the “Instagram” platform, posted a picture of the Antonio Rodger shirt No. (22) that he wears in the Real Madrid team, with the signature of the defender, where he wrote: “To Iman, keep strong, always.”

Algerian boxing expressed her great happiness with the gesture of Real Madrid defender and his support for her at this time, as she commented on the image of the shirt as follows: “Thank you @turetediger for the wonderful gift and gentle words!”

The International Boxing Federation has recently said that it is in the process of submitting criminal complaints against the International Olympic Committee in the United States, France and Switzerland, due to the decision of the International Olympic Committee to allow the two boxers Iman Khalif and Taiwanese Lyn Yu Ting to participate in the Paris Olympics 2024.

Algerian boxing has responded that it will also take all the necessary legal measures to ensure respect for its rights and establish the principles of fair competition.

As for the International Olympic Committee, it has repeatedly emphasized that Iman Khalif and Lin Ting was classified as females at birth and underwent all the rules and regulations of the Olympic session, and they participated in the Tokyo 2021 Olympics without achieving medals.

However, the International Boxing Federation excluded Khalif and Lin from the 2023 World Championship for their fall in the sexual qualification test.



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