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Minister of Religious Affairs in Khartoum: The field of application of Islamic dialogue is Sudan


Ayman shape

The Minister of Religious Affairs and Endowments of the Republic of Sudan, Dr. Omar Bakhit Muhammad Adam, stressed that the field of application of Islamic -Islamic dialogue is Sudan, which suffers from internal warfare between Muslims, calling for the conference recommendations to include a special part of Sudan.

He pointed out in a statement to “Al -Watan”, that the Muslim person is fighting his war or stops it based on the jurisprudential opinion that he follows or is based on, and if the honorable Al -Azhar or the Council of Muslim Wise Movement issues the prohibition of killing and war, then this fatwa will have a great impact on stopping the conflict or warning in any A place in the world as reliable parties for Muslims. He said: “We want a multi -side intervention in Sudan. There are many Sudanese cities and villages liberated, but the rebellion is trying to wipe in the tribes and return it to war again.”

The Minister of Religious Affairs in Sudan added: “Here comes the role of international Islamic institutions, headed by Al -Azhar Al -Sharif, to direct the speech to Muslims in Sudan with the necessity of unity, the rejection of the division and the establishment of societal peace, and that the Muslims turn to the situation in Sudan by ending the fighting and the start of dialogue and the Muslim ranks inside Sudan.”

He said: «We want the conference outputs to develop the charter proposed by the Honorable Sheikh Al -Azhar, as well as expanding the proposed membership of the ICRC and assuming the task of fatwa and opinion and serving the international decision for Muslims,” ​​stressing that Sudan opens its doors to everyone.



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