Home entertainment I talk to you about courage and I am stronger

I talk to you about courage and I am stronger


My son sorrowed a lot after he was exposed to a bad situation in school with one of his colleagues, he resorted to me as usual looking in my words about a force that helps him to overcome the situation, I sat listening to him and I was my heart heavily in words that are not said, I look at him while telling him with suffocating words and waiting for the chapters of his story to start to start as my habit I make it About life and how we must live with hope, love and happiness and face its obstacles with a strong and courageous heart Intelligence, I took its latest on the days and how we reflect every situation to be with us, not against us, I talked about the hidden force in our hearts that the more he is filled with faith, the courage increases every day. That crisis and his little heart was filled with happiness, I have not yet ended And I speak while he started looking at me, claiming attention while he was eagerly waiting for me to finish to go and play with his friends, I realized that I had prolonged the conversation and I was silent and allowed him to go, I sat thinking about my words, did you believe? Was what I say to my son really? Is it true that our hearts, the more faith, the more powerful? So why do we weaken? Why do we allow someone or a position to hurt us, then our security will take away from us and make us feel weak and humiliated? There are many questions and the answer is one, yes we are strong, we did not create weak and did not create to allow anyone to take away from us that power that God has granted to us, we were created with tremendous ability to face all difficulties, it is said “every bitter that passes”. There is nothing remaining in a state and nothing permanent , Even we are leaving. I used to speak about the courage to the strongest of me, we wake up every morning in the hope that the new day is a new beginning, we strive and strive in an attempt to leave a trace in this world, but without the will of us defeat the moments To us, God sent him to us to strengthen us, not the opposite. Your help for any of it was whether it was a young child, a friend or a close, is nothing but help for yourself, do not think that you were the reason for their strength, but the opposite, they were the ones who resorted to you to give you a helping hand, you cultivate hope in your words but you are in fact who reaps The principle of giving in itself means “taking”, you are given, but you are in fact the one who takes, yes to be given From your time from your words, from your heart, and from your money, but you are in the end the one who benefits, and the more you are given the more you take, and the strangest thing is that your giving is whenever it is a real desire to help the greater the return from it, you talk about a person about strength and strengthen you, you will solve a problem for one of them In front of it, it is a problem for you, and it is measured by all the situations you are exposed to that requires you to help someone, and ask yourself this The question, why did I resort to me? Then you will know the answer. The summary: Remember all those moments in which you needed, remember how you felt before and after that you will know that he resorted to you to help you, not the other way around, helping people and extending a helping hand to them in any way what was only helping yourself. In the moments of your weakness, you will see God sends you who needs support and help, not because he needs you, but he sent him a mercy for you because you are the one who is in the best need to be strengthened.



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