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God strengthens the best way and I do a way to reassure the world and happiness in the hereafter


Friday 21/Feb/2025 – 04:11 PM

Today’s Friday sermon at Al -Azhar Mosque, Dr. Rabie Al -Ghafir, Professor of Linguistics at Al -Azhar University, and its topic on “Preparing for the month of Ramadan”

Dr. Rabie Al -Ghafir said, that the piety of God is the best way and the way to reassure in this world and happiness in the hereafter. Your sins, and whoever obeys God and His Messenger, has won a great win, so a Muslim must prepare for the month of Ramadan, and the sake of what he receives this month: the safety of the breasts, the purity of hearts, the purity of souls, and the biography is only good for the sake of the bed Obedance seasons with repentance Sincerely, to God Almighty, so he receives these seasons, and he has taken off and abandoned his sins and sins that have always been restricted, and deprived him of many obedience and good deeds and from the chapters of good deeds.

The preacher of the Al -Azhar Mosque: God strengthens the best way and I do a way to reassurance in this world and happiness in the hereafter

The preacher of the mosque explained that every Muslim must be careful not to enter Ramadan except when he is pure and pure, because Ramadan is a perfume, and does not perfume the garment until he washed, and this is the time of washing, so they wash from the tuberculosis of sins and sins, and repent to your Lord before the arrival of the Minaya, and fear polytheism It is the guilt that God does not forgive for his companions, and fear injustice, for it is the Diwan that God has all of his servants, and fear the sins, who Fear it, for forgiveness and mercy is more important to him. The Almighty said: “O you who believe, repent to God, a righteous repentance, may your Lord be disbelieved from you Under the rivers, the day will not be disgraced by the Prophet, and those who believed with him.

The preacher of the Al -Azhar Mosque urged the Muslims to race in the fields of obedience and the track of kinship; To enter the month of Ramadan and the servant has prepared a faithful preparation, so he realizes the sweetness of fasting and the pleasure of standing that is unable – They make entering the month of Shaban to prepare early to receive Ramadan, so that the holy month does not enter them except They gave themselves in colors of obedience and kinship, as Shaaban is the training period that precedes the entry of the race track, and the paving gate to enter the eschatological race, the horse that does not include or trains; You cannot continue the race at the time of competition as it should, but rather you may be surprised by its suspension during the road, adding that the sane person knows the honor of his time, the value of his life, the great seasons of the afterlife, and prepared for this great time from now, and prepared his heart to receive God’s gifts to him with a sound heart, lightering from what is discarded He has to enjoy obedience, as if a person strives to end what he might occupy in Ramadan from now, and to train On some of Ramadan’s works, such as fasting the available days of Shaban, and to slightly increase his usual share of the night prayer, and to slightly increase his response from the Qur’an.

At the conclusion of the sermon, the largest emphasized the importance of training in reciting the Holy Qur’an in Shaban, just as one of the greatest things that helps to prepare the soul for Ramadan: the large number In Ramadan from the most precedent of people to good; For the servant, whatever he tries, do not reconcile or pay only with the help of God and his success, and the servant is commanded by the action of the causes, and God Almighty is generous, he does not disappoint those who stood at his door, and do the reasons he can.



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