Home news Get aid now .. Pay aid to the families due 2025

Get aid now .. Pay aid to the families due 2025


In the context of working on supporting Saudi workers who face unexpected conditions that lead to the loss of their jobs and this system provides insurance against disruption in Saudi Arabia and this aims to provide temporary financial compensation and rehabilitation opportunities that help beneficiaries to return to labor markets.

Conditions for supporting support

In order for the advanced person to be qualified to take advantage of Sand support, it is necessary to meet a set of important conditions that guarantee the entitlement to financial assistance. Among these conditions are the following:

  • The advanced person must be the holder of Saudi nationality.
  • The applicant must have worked for a period of not less than 12 months during the last 36 months.
  • The advanced person should have worked for 18 months during the last 36 months.
  • The applicant must not be separated from work due to violations or shortening, and the person must not have resigned from his work at the will.
  • It is required that the applicant be able to work and does not suffer from any case that may prevent him from performing job tasks.
  • The applicant should not get another income from any source, whether through a commercial activity or another job.
  • The applicant must register in the Sand system through the Human Resources Fund in a period not exceeding 90 days from the date of leaving the work.

Cases of stopping the exchange of support

The platform worked to put many cases that stop the disbursement of the support provided by the Sand System. These cases include the following:

  • The death of the beneficiary person.
  • Not preserving Saudi citizenship.
  • If the advanced person gets an income from a private work or project.
  • The inability of the person who benefits from work.
  • Not adhering to serious search for work or not participating in training courses.
  • If the advanced person reaches the age of sixty and deserves to retire pension.
  • If the advanced person leaves the kingdom for more than 60 consecutive or intermittent days, then the exchange is stopped.


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