Home entertainment “Financial Representatives”: Encouraging investments in the “high -tech” sectors

“Financial Representatives”: Encouraging investments in the “high -tech” sectors


The Parliamentary Financial and Economic Affairs Committee approved the proposal with a desire to encourage investments in the “high-tech” sectors and transfer the Kingdom to a regional destination in the field of high-tech. The proposal aims to develop a strategic plan in a manner that is compatible with the economic conditions and conditions in the Kingdom of Bahrain, and includes effective initiatives to localize high technologies, with the aim of transforming the Kingdom into a regional destination in the field of modern and high technology.

It also aims to set a package of rewarding incentives and competitive facilities with the aim of attracting large companies operating in the field of high technologies for the Kingdom of Bahrain, and encouraging Bahraini youth who have knowledge of technology to launch leading electronic industrial projects in the field of artificial intelligence and high technologies, and develop partnerships between the Bahrain Holding Company and local companies Or foreign, with the aim of launching projects in high technologies to develop local technical and professional experiences in this The field.



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