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“Education” opens the door for registration to improve the cumulative rate of third secondary students


The Ministry of Education announced the availability of the field for third-grade students in government schools to register in the program of improving cumulative rates through the re-submitting the first secondary school exams, within the second round of the academic year 2024-2025 AD.

This comes in the interest of the ministry to enhance academic opportunities for students, and based on the outputs of the comprehensive student forum that was held in the presence of His Excellency Dr. Muhammad bin Mubarak Jumaa, Minister of Education, and within the framework of the Ministry’s understanding of the challenges faced by students during the previous academic years.

Accordingly, the student can repeat any test he conducted in the first secondary school to develop the result he obtained.

Note that registration will be through school departments on dates that will be determined through the circulars that will be issued to government schools, and the student will be able to re -examine the four -subject exams as a maximum.



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