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Digital imprint .. Secrets of the new Google Policy to create user files


Google Giant Technology has announced the imposition of new methods in its policy with its users, which is the digital footprint, which aims to create a profile for each user, which contains “IP” addresses, which is one of the strategies of advertiser companies, in order to design ads and target the user.

The digital fingerprint caused a lot of disturbance due to the company tracing the user’s behavior and activity through web sites, which is considered a clear tracking of the user’s privacy and contrary to the laws of use.

Immediately, Google issued a statement confirming its constant eagerness to satisfy its customers, stressing the use of the user’s “IP” addresses, as one of the means that Google follows to prevent fraud and enhance the safety of its users.

Targeting advertising campaigns

Google confirmed that it takes into account the privacy of the pioneers of the Internet, and that it is in the process of developing the policy of directing the advertisements, in a manner that is compatible with the user and his activity, so that it is targeted with advertising activity appropriate to his inclinations and desires, but many called for the need to cancel this technology by Google.

Follow users through the digital fingerprint

Social media has been buzzing with a wave of anger against Google, due to the exposure of the privacy of users to harm, by tracking their activities on various websites and monitoring their behaviors.

It is worth noting that the digital fingerprint is one of the most tracked mechanisms of websites, tracking website visitors, and building a full history about their records.



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