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The visit of His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Crown Prince, Prime Minister, may God protect him, to the patient, Amjad Al -Mahari, the patient with the sickle cell anemia, in order to ensure his health and insist on his visit in the hospital after he completed his treatment with the technique of cordial cultivation using the genetic modification, where his process was crowned By success, praise be to God, to be the first patient in the world from outside the United States of America to receive this type of treatment, in the cord transplant unit At the Royal Medical Services Center, the Oncology Center. His Highness’s visit to the patient has clear contents and connotations in the depth of its meaning and social dimensions. Interest appears and raises the patient’s morale, which enhances the spirit of optimism, especially since this condition is the first process that has been crowned With success -praise be to God -and the visit of His Royal Highness to the patient is the pride and pride of His Highness for the good reputation of the Kingdom of Bahrain in the health system of health services and care, and the Oncology Center is an integrated center to receive patients for the Kingdom’s interest in using modern technology in the field of medicine And the great support that hospitals enjoy in scientific research and encourage innovation in providing the best medical services. His Highness’s visit to the Oncology Center is an encouragement for doctors to scientific research and continue to address patients and keep pace with modern technologies to reach qualitative medical solutions to treat incurable diseases and chronic diseases. It is also an opportunity to enhance the spirit of competitiveness among doctors and researchers in the field of scientific research and the presentation of studies that make the Kingdom in the first grades In scientific research and development in the medical system, in addition to giving hope and positivity among diameter patients, which contributes to overcoming Health challenges and pushes the patient to recover and return to normal life. The joy of the patient, Amjad Al -Mahari, two joy, his joy in the success of his operation -praise be to God -and his great joy by visiting His Highness the Crown Prince, the Prime Minister to check on him, and Amjad expressed his great happiness when His Highness vision of his interest in the problems of the citizen, Which enhances the relationship between leadership and the people and represents a symbol of national identity in supporting community participation and confidence in the government The esteemed one that strengthens hope and a sense of belonging.



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