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Chinese scientists define a dietary component that reflects some of the symptoms of autism


Tuesday 18/Feb/2025 – 07:13 PM

Connect Chinese scientists to the presence of a food component, which can reflect some Symptoms of autismWhere scientists were able to identify one of the types of probiotics in the fermentation of dairy products, which may help relieve and reflect some symptoms of autism.

Chinese scientists define a dietary component that reflects the symptoms of autism

According to what was published in the British Daily Mail newspaper, patients can only use antipsychotics, antidepressants, stimulants and anti -anxiety medications for treatment, but the new study indicates that the natural method may be by the same effectiveness, and was discovered using genetically modified mice, which were subject to symptoms similar to symptoms Autism.

When modified, mice showed symptoms of disorder such as low interest in social interactions and imbalance in the main neurotransmitters that are necessary for jobs such as learning, memory and cognitive processes.

The researchers gave animals a daily dose of probiotics Lactobacillus Murinus, a type of bacteria that usually found in dairy products such as cheese and yogurt, for a month, and after experiment, the brain brains became more flexible and able to adapt, which helped them learn and remember things better, and also performed treatment as well To heal the intestine and other genes that were affected by this disorder.

The latest estimates of the centers of control and prevention of diseases and their prevention indicated that about one in every 36 children were diagnosed with ASD spectrum disorder in the United States, and that the causes of this disorder are unknown, and is increasing and chemical pollution in food and water, the most prominent factors Injury, and allows toxins to infiltrate the bloodstream of pregnant mothers and move to the brain of the developing fetus, causing inflammation that weakens nerve signals that lead to autism.

Chinese scientists discovered a treatment in common foods that would complement behavioral interventions with minimal side effects, and the study used 34 mates. 13 pairs of Chd8 gene were removed from them, which led to the disruption of protein production, and the mice then began to show similar behaviors Autism behaviors, including anxiety, social media problems and memory.

The results concluded that the bacteria of the intestine can affect the functions of the brain, through the axis The intestine and the brain.



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