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Bahrain and the Eastern Region … history and geography extending for five thousand years


Medal tourism for two people of one origin

Within 20 minutes, the Bahraini moves from the Kingdom to the sisterly Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, bypassing the King Fahd Bridge port, up to the nearest city overlooking Bahrain from the western side, which is the news that is one of 12 governorates belonging to the eastern region, and borders from the north and northwest of Dammam, The administrative capital of the region, as well as being a commercial and tourism transit station, as it extends from its coast King Fahd Bridge, the land port.

And the news and Dammam represented two cities for many citizens in Bahrain, whether to spend a fun time on the shores of the news or shopping from the Dammam markets that are not far from the news, and as a result of the expansion and urban development in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the news and Dammam have become one extended city that does not separate them For some except for many population and commercial societies.

While tourism in Bahrain depends on a large percentage on the arriving brothers, there is a reverse tourism from the people of Bahrain to Saudi Arabia heading in a large percentage to Dammam and Al -Khobar, especially since the latter is one of the tourist destinations in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which has a length of its marine facades to 30 km, While the Corniche Al -Khobar is one of the most important landmarks that distinguish the city and includes green surfaces and children’s games.

In order to enhance the coastal development in the news, the Eastern Region Development Authority launched the guideline of urban design on the coastal strip in the Dammam Medam, with the aim of controlling the quality of coastal development, enhancing urban identity and improving the urban scene, and this evidence comes as an indicative reference for the design of the urban environment and projects in line with the criteria and technical requirements to maximize the benefit From coastal sites and converting them into tourist and commercial attractions Entertainment and investment.

The approaching distances between the two countries and the ease of mobility contributed to enhancing the bonds of popular relations that are rooted throughout history, which was confirmed by the researcher in heritage in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the lecturer in folk art, Abdul Latif Al -Muqrin, that the people of Bahrain and Saudi Arabia are in fact and the origins are brothers and families that have expanded and parts of them moved between the two countries since ancient times .

Al -Muqrin touched on the pearl trade that the people of Bahrain and the eastern region were famous for, and it was present in the history of the two regions before the emergence of oil, and he said that the pearls were the main trade for the people Search for pearls. As for the culture of the two countries, especially customs and traditions, Al -Muqrin refers to the similarity of the popular dress such as “Bushia, Al -Bakzaq and Al -Naksa”, as well as the convergence of the dialect between the two parties, and the reason for this was attributed to the links of kinship and genealogy that bring together the two people “First.” The heritage researcher added: There is no doubt that geography makes relations between humans, and one of the areas most of the ties of history, geography, religion and proportions is the relationship between the two queens through the gate of the eastern region. As for Professor of Antiquities, Dr. Abdulaziz Sweileh has returned with the relations striking with its roots to the Dilmouni history, and more than 3500 years ago, indicating that the Dilmunian monuments discovered in Bahrain have a great extension in the eastern region, specifically on the island of Tarot in the Qatif region, whose history extends to nearly 5 thousand years in Bahrain, One of the oldest Bekaa in which man lived.

Sweileh confirmed that Al -Jazeera was one of the most important centers of the Kingdom of Dilmun and had a great role in the history of the region, which was demonstrated by archaeological discoveries in it. There, tombs, utensils and seals were identical to its discovered counterpart in Bahrain. In conclusion, the mention of musk, with the notification that the Saudi researcher did not leave in the religious relationship when it reached the King of Bahrain, the message of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, inviting its people to enter Islam, and they accepted a religion and converted to Islam, so that a new history of relations between the peoples of the region began with the beginning of the bright Islam on the people of the earth all .



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