Home politics A gunshot worker was injured due to the differences in Sohag

A gunshot worker was injured due to the differences in Sohag


Thursday 20/Feb/2025 – 12:50 AM

A gunshot worker was injured in the chest as a result of the disputes of Al -Masahara, and a transfer was taken to the Jarja General Hospital, and the perpetrator was arrested at the Gerga Center in Sohag Governorate.

Major General Sabri Saleh Azab, Assistant Minister of the Interior, and Director of Sohag Security, received a notification from Major General Mahmoud Taha, Director of Criminal Investigation in Sohag, stating a quarrel and injured at the Gerga Police Station.

The police officers immediately moved, and its two sides were found by Abdul Karim. A – 45 years old, a gunshot worker in the left side, and was transferred to Gerga General Hospital and Abdel Rahim. M – 50 years old, driver and two parties are in the same way.

The brother of the injured person, Al -Sayyid, 66, a worker, and a resident of the same side, accused the second party of assaulting his brother and firing a caliber from a firearm in possession of his injury due to the disputes and intermarriage.

The second party and the weapon used were seized by guiding it, and in his confrontation, he admitted to committing the incident for the same reason, and the necessary report was released in preparation for the presentation to the competent investigative authorities.



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