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A common fate “is important in confirming the language of dialogue and deepening understanding among Muslims


Dr. Abdel -Hanan Magharang Tago, CEO of the Supreme Council of Philippine Scholars for Peace and Development, affirmed their interest in communicating with the countries of the Islamic world, especially the Arab ones, because of the great and heavy thought that these countries carry in solving the issues of the Islamic nation.

Dr. Abdel-Hanan Tago, in a special statement to Bahrain News Agency (BNA), said that the Islamic-Islamic Dialogue Conference is “one nation … an important common destiny” to highlight the approximation of Islamic schools of thought, and that the language of dialogue and acceptance of opinion and other opinion be the basis of good life in The Islamic nation.

He said: “We Muslims only have the path of understanding to bring us closer and unify us.”

He relied on the role of scholars, jurists, references, and leaders of the nation, who have a listening, respectful and convincing voice for their people, in promoting Islamic-Islamic dialogue, also pointing to the role of women and youth in this aspect, as they are a great component in Islamic societies.

He referred to (BNA) the importance of the Arabic language, which they are interested in learning because it is the language of the Holy Qur’an, which is the language that enables them to talk better with the Arab countries to integrate and harmonize them in order to strengthen the Islamic nation.

He explained that the convening of the conference in the Kingdom of Bahrain is of great importance, as it gathered the various sects and sects to dialogue in a civilized manner, and hosted senior scholars, jurists, women, youth and political figures, noting that the opinions that were presented through the conference axes are extremely important in emphasizing the language of dialogue and deepening understanding between Muslims.



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