Thursday 20/Feb/2025 – 04:56 PM
8 people were injured in a quarter -transport car overturning at the Ring Road in front of the airport wall in Al -Salam area, Cairo Governorate.
A quarter -transport coup accident
The security services in the Cairo Security Directorate received a report stating that a car accident occurred and the presence of injured people.
Car coup
Immediately, the security services are supported by ambulances, and it was found that 8 workers were injured after a quarter -transport car was overturned to Al Salam Specialist Hospital.
A report was issued and legal measures were taken, and the competent authorities were notified to conduct investigations.
On the other hand, 6 people were injured in a quarter-transport car overturning on the Sinbillawain- Tammid Al-Amdid Road in Dakahlia Governorate.
The Director of Dakahlia Security received a notification from the Director of the Directorate’s Investigations, stating that a notification had been received by the Sinbillawain Police Station, that a traffic accident occurred on the Sinbillawain- Tami Al-Amdid road.
Immediately, the officers of the Center’s investigation moved to the Al -Balagh site. On the examination, it was found that the names of Essam Mustafa, 18 years old, from Abu Dawood Tamm Al -Amdid, on the suspicion In the spine, Yasmine Ahmed Mustafa, 19 years old, on the suspicion After concussion, Rana Samir Shehata Ibrahim, 19, with an internal bleeding in the abdomen.
The injured were taken to the hospital and the report was being edited, and he was presented to the investigation authorities to conduct investigations.