The head of the Financial Crime and Money Laundering Prosecution stated that the Public Prosecution has received a report from the Public Authority for Social Insurance that a number of companies owners submitted incorrect data through the electronic system of the authority regarding the addition and exclusion of alleged employees as a believer to benefit from the advantages of social insurance, which gave the insured to extend A fake work that enabled them to obtain unprofitable benefits represented in pensions, compensate for one batch, and compensate for insurance against disruption. Right, as well as forging special documents and using them to circumvent and seize the money support funds that are spent from the “Tamkeen” work fund.
Immediately after receiving the communication, the Financial Crime Prosecution and money laundering began its investigations, and it began to hear the certificate of representatives of the Social Insurance Authority, the “Tamkeen” and the Ministry of Labor, and issued its decision to prevent the accused from traveling, and ordered the reservation of their accounts and property, and also requested investigations of the Corruption Crime Crime Investigations on the incident, Trying and counterfeiting expert in the management of material evidence to examine documents And the contracts are subject to the incident. Accordingly, the Public Prosecution ordered the arrest of the defendants, one of whom was previously convicted in a similar case, and their interrogation and confrontation with the statements and technical evidence of the investigations, and ordered that they be imprisoned in reserve pending investigations, and they are being completed.
The head of the Financial Crime Prosecution and money laundering affirmed that the Public Prosecution will not hesitate to maintain money in general and confirm its resurrection firmly and rigor to all forms of infringement and the exploitation of it with the competencies authorized by the law and with the trustworthiness it carries, protecting its rights and preserving the capabilities of the country.